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EAA is your guide to getting the most out of the world of flight and giving your passion room to grow.

What a Month

Ian Brown, EAA 657159, Editor - Bits and Pieces


November, 2022 – Those of you who travel south for the winter, like I do, will have probably been keeping an eye on the news. You'll see in a separate article, my story of what went on with my namesake, Hurricane Ian.

My local airport down there, KVNC, in Venice, Florida, was right on the edge of the eye and they are still dealing with significant damage to aircraft and hangars. My home was also flooded but the damage is salvageable. Many homes in the area were demolished. Here's hoping that the community spirit that we all enjoy there can survive this and make us stronger.

The flood stage near my home lasted for days

Spare a thought for all those pilots with damaged or destroyed aircraft, not only in Venice but at the many other airports across southern Florida and the Caribbean islands that were affected.

I'd like to thank all our authors throughout the year for submitting articles. Your work goes out to a very large mailing list, of I believe, something like 20,000 readers, including the almost 7,000 Canadian EAA current members. If you would like to submit an article, it can be as simple as just sending me an email with a few paragraphs written directly, with a few pictures attached. Ideally you'll include your membership number and any chapter or regional information, too. Almost all the articles go out as soon as possible since we never seem to have a stack of articles backed up. Please feel free to consider writing a series of articles, as John Wyman has done. I'm sure you'll agree that his article this month gives us an excellent insight into the life and thoughts of an airline pilot.

Ask yourself what YOU would be interested in reading about. That's probably a good way to decide what topic to write about.

So, put a sticker on the fridge that says “Write an article for Bits and Pieces.” Do it now. You can send me a photo of your fridge if you like! Any communication about anything at all can be sent to me at

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