Here we are in December. We're Canadian. If you haven't already, you'll soon be seeing that darned white stuff falling. You'll either be heading south, having your snow blower serviced, or getting that wood pile organized. Brr! Some of you may know that my choice is to head south. It has provided some of the best flying weather and culminates in SUN ‘n FUN. What could be better in April? It's a great taster for the “big one,” AirVenture. John Wyman's article this month got me thinking it would be informative to attend a fabric refinishing class. You may not be planning to build a fabric-covered aircraft, but it would be fascinating to learn the skills (without having to buy all that gear!).
Editorial – Last Month Before the Snow Flies?
Ian Brown, EAA 657159, Editor, Bits and Pieces
Thanks to our authors, new and “experienced.” A special shoutout to Dennis Fox, a new contributor to our newsletter who provided a great article about his group's Osprey build with Jack Dueck as the team coach. Let's hope he can write many more. John Wyman and Mike Davenport never fail to write fascinating articles, and this month is no exception. I'd like to echo our chairperson's welcome to Kathy Lubitz. Many of us have known Kathy for several years including her stalwart contributions to our presence at AirVenture, and it's always been obvious to me that she has a lot more to give, so welcome Kathy. We'll try not to keep you too busy!
Please don't hesitate to contact me any questions you may have at
We'd love you to join Dennis as a new contributor to our newsletter. Some of the most-read articles can be a couple of paragraphs on a building project or solution to a problem.