
Aircraft Spruce & Specialty

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Some EAA Webinars qualify for credit in the FAA's WINGS or AMT awards program. Visit www.faasafety.gov for details.

EAA gratefully acknowledges the support of Aircraft Spruce and Specialty Co. for their generous sponsorship of EAA webinars.

Upcoming Webinars Schedule

EAA AirVenture 2024 Features and Attractions

Tuesday, July 2, 2024, 7 p.m. CDT with Rick Larsen and Sean Elliott

Join this webinar to learn about what to expect at AirVenture 2024. Rick Larsen, EAA vice president of communities, member programs and AirVenture features and attractions, and Sean Elliott, vice president of advocacy and safety will discuss the latest news on what to expect at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2024.

Tale of Two Prebuys | Qualifies for FAA WINGS and AMT Credit

Tuesday, July 9, 2024, 7 p.m. CDT with Mike Busch

When buying a pre-owned aircraft, it's essential to conduct a thorough and independent prebuy examination. In this webinar, Mike Busch A&P/IA (whose company has managed thousands of prebuys) tells the real-life story of two prebuy examinations, one that was thorough and independent and the other that was, well, not so much. The outcomes for the buyers were very different, and there are important lessons to be learned here for anyone thinking about buying an aircraft.

CFIT - Avoiding Controlled Flight Into Terrain | Qualifies for FAA WINGS Credit

Wednesday, July 10, 2024, 7 p.m. CDT with Prof. H. Paul Shuch

We tend to think of controlled flight into terrain (CFIT) as being caused by the pilot not paying attention. In fact, these altogether avoidable accidents can arise from many causes. In this FAA Safety Team WINGS award webinar, Prof. H. Paul Shuch will discuss how weather phenomena, mechanical failure, pilot fatigue, incapacity, or simple pilot error can all contribute to unplanned contact with terra firma, and what you can do to prevent it. Qualifies for FAA WINGS credit.

Unaffordable/Unavailable | Qualifies for FAA WINGS and AMT credit.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024, 7 p.m. CDT with Mike Busch

As our aircraft get older, repair parts are becoming problematic. Sometimes parts are available but breathtakingly expensive. Other times, they are simply unavailable. How can we keep our aircraft flying? In this webinar, Mike Busch A&P/IA discusses two real-life cases, one involving a client's Cessna 182 and another involving his own Cessna 310, demonstrating how such problems can be overcome with persistence, ingenuity, and research. Qualifies for FAA WINGS and AMT credit.

Young Eagles Online Registration - An Introduction to the New Tool

Tuesday, August 13, 2024, 7 p.m. CDT with David Leiting

Join EAA Young Eagles Manager, David Leiting, as he provides a comprehensive overview of the new Young Eagles online registration tool.

Introduction to Mountain Flying Concepts | Qualifies for FAA WINGS Credit

Wednesday, August 14, 2024, 7 p.m. CDT with Loren French

Learn basic strategies for safe mountain flying. Loren French specializes in providing mountain flying training at Alpine Flight School in Colorado. He will discuss route planning, mountain weather, performance, terrain flying, and survival techniques while flying in a mountainous environment. Qualifies for FAA WINGS credit.

Balancing Act: Loading Your Airplane Safely | Qualifies for FAA WINGS Credit

Wednesday, August 28, 2024, 7 p.m. CDT with Loren French

In this webinar, we'll discuss the fundamentals of weight and balance computations and see how small changes can have large safety implications. All pilots are required to perform a weight and balance calculation before each flight. FAA CFI and DPE Catherine Cavagnaro discusses why this is so important, highlighting effects varying weight has on aircraft performance and how loading shifts CG position and changes handling characteristics. Qualifies for FAA WINGS credit.

Can't Sign It Off? | Qualifies for FAA WINGS Credit

Wednesday, September 4, 2024, 7 p.m. CDT with Mike Busch

Can a mechanic who works on your airplane refuse to sign it off or put it back together? That's exactly what happened to one unfortunate Cirrus SR22 owner who made a precautionary landing due to a rough running engine, asked the maintenance personnel at the local FBO to investigate, and found himself in a hostage situation. Mike Busch A&P/IA explains the regulatory ramifications of such a situation, and discusses what it took to get this poor owner's airplane out of prison. Qualifies for FAA WINGS and AMT credit.

The Airborne Law Enforcement Response

Wednesday, September 11, 2024, 7 p.m. CDT with Ken Solosky

September 11, 2001, is a day that changed the world. Kenneth Solosky was assigned as a lieutenant/chief pilot for the New York City Police Department (NYPD) Aviation Unit. Join Kenneth as he describes the airborne law enforcement response on that fateful day, and the chaos and confusion surrounding air traffic control and interacting with responding military aircraft. He will discuss the response, attempts at rooftop rescues, and the support received in the days and weeks after from airborne law enforcement and the GA community from around the world.

1927 Fairchild FC-2 | EAA Museum Webinar Series

Tuesday, September 17, 2024, 7 p.m. CDT with Chris Henry and Amelia Anderson

When the air carrier service industry started in the U.S., the Fairchild Aircraft company in Maryland was there to help launch it. We will talk about the history of one of the oldest airplanes in the EAA Aviation Museum collection, and the oldest surviving Fairchild.

Safe Aircraft Ground Operations | Qualifies for FAA WINGS Credit

Wednesday, September 18, 2024, 7 p.m. CDT with Prof. H. Paul Shuch

When our primary goal is to fly, we often consider ground operations a necessary inconvenience. But concentrating solely on the flight ahead can lead to taxi accidents, runway incursions, or potential hazards to ourselves and other airport users. In this FAA Safety Team WINGS webinar, Prof. H. Paul Shuch will concentrate on how we can make our time on the ground just as safe and productive as we strive to make our time in the air.

The Importance of Ring Gap and Cylinder Life | Qualifies for FAA WINGS Credit

Wednesday, September 25, 2024, 7 p.m. CDT with Bill Ross

Piston ring gap is critical to the performance and longevity of your aircraft cylinders. However, it is clear not all maintenance providers adhere to the instructions provided by the manufacturer. Owners should know the importance and ensure their respective maintenance provider follow these instructions. Bill Ross from Superior Air Parts will explore the importance of ring gap, common mistakes, and how to perform ring gap properly. Qualifies for FAA WINGS and AMT credit.

Why Annual Inspections? | Qualifies for FAA WINGS and AMT credit

Wednesday, October 2, 2024, 7 p.m. CDT with Mike Busch

Why does the FAA require owners of small GA airplanes to put them through a complete inspection every 12 months, even if they've only flown 40 hours or less since the last inspection? Does it really make sense to open up the wings, empennage, and tailcone and remove the seats, carpets, and floorboards to inspect for corrosion every 12 months? In this webinar, Mike Busch A&P/IA explores this issue by pointing out that owners of "big boy" airplanes like King Airs aren't required to do this, but owners of smaller airplanes are. Mike questions this double standard, asks why the FAA doesn't treat the "rest of us" more like it treats the "big boys," and fantasizes about a simple change to the regulations that would make this possible. Qualifies for FAA WINGS and AMT credit.

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