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A Retirement Message

Jeff Seaborn, EAA 793688, Chair, EAA Canada Council


November, 2022 – Serving on the Canadian Council for seven years, and as chair of the council for close to four years, has been a real honour. It’s been a very rewarding experience. In addition to the personal growth and opportunities that it afforded me, it connected me with so many terrific people.

Through EAA, I’ve had the opportunity to meet and engage with people from around the world. From Denmark to Brazil. From Cuba to France. From across the U.S. to wonderful members in each of the provinces and territories across Canada. I’ve gotten the opportunity to meet and engage with many of the EAA staffers who work behind the scenes to support the programs our members enjoy. I’ve had the opportunity to attend (albeit virtually) chapter meetings from across Canada. It’s inspiring to see the energy and enthusiasm that’s at the chapter level. To those chapters who are active and growing, keep it up. To those chapters who are stagnant, there are countless tools available and support from your Canadian Council to help.

Speaking of the Canadian Council, I’d really like to thank past and current council members for their commitment and support. Our council members are most visible at the Canadian tent during AirVenture, but they work year round to support our members and encourage growth of general aviation in Canada. The Council has some high horsepower members on the team and have a very committed leader in Raquel Lincoln as the new chair. If you have interest in joining this team, please reach out to Raquel at

Thank you to EAA for allowing me to serve as chair for our Canadian members. It was a tremendous experience that allowed me to meet so many great people. I value those connections and the experiences that went with them. In many cases, it was the start of a treasured friendship.

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