Free EAA Membership for Youngsters
By Ian Brown, Editor
December 2020 – Did you know that young people can sign up for a totally free EAA membership? Last month I mentioned the idea that you could consider donating an EAA membership to a friend, but if that person is younger than 18 they get a totally free student membership. They simply need to have completed a Young Eagles flight, either at an organized event or having been flown one on one, and their Young Eagles flight submitted and recorded.
Why not forward this to a potential young aviator you know? With this link they will be able to discover that there are hundreds of dollars of valuable opportunities, like a completely free first flying lesson, student membership until they are eighteen at no charge, free ground school with Sporty's Pilot Shop, free museum access, and free online access to EAA Sport Aviation. They just need to have that Young Eagles flight submitted and have received their logbook.
You never know what spark you may ignite. My first flight with children on board in a rented 172 resulted in a young boy who now, years later, flies for a Canadian airline.