Aviation Writers Needed!
By Ian Brown, EAA 657159, Editor - Bits and Pieces, Board Member - EAA Canada Council
October 2021 – I'm delighted that Mike Davenport chose to submit an article about his experiences writing for an aviation audience. He certainly has a lot of experience and you should find his article entertaining and edifying. We always need content for our newsletter so if you're doing anything you think others might be interested in, why not shoot a few pictures, knock out a few paragraphs, and email the whole thing to me at the email address at the bottom? We'd love to share your story with the 6,500 or so subscribers to this newsletter.
Since I mentioned subscribers, it's probably a good time to forward this newsletter to others who may not be receiving it. Perhaps they'll read this paragraph and subscribe for themselves here.
Our newsletter is our primary way to keep the lines of communication open for Canadian EAA members. We appreciate all the hard work and expense of editing and distributing Bits and Pieces. A lot of that work goes on at HQ in Oshkosh but the creative work is all Canadian.
Perhaps you know of someone doing something really neat that others would like to hear about. Why not suggest an article? Sometimes the person engaged in the activity is a little shy about writing. Maybe you could suggest someone else to write it up.
As newsletters go, our metrics are really good, but we'd like to aim for even better. Increased readership, improved content, and a heightened interest level are our targets. Your mission today, should you choose to accept it, is to pick one of those to help out! Let's make this the best ever.
Our contributors this month deserve a big thanks. We recognize that you all have a life beyond this newsletter so thank you all for taking the time to help us keep Bits and Pieces in the forefront.
If you have any comments, questions, suggestions, or an article to submit, you can send them to me at newsletter.EAACC@gmail.com.