Stay Inspired

EAA is your guide to getting the most out of the world of flight and giving your passion room to grow.

Wishing you a Better New Year!

By Ian Brown, Editor

January 2021 – We start the new year with a feeling of optimism. New vaccines, plans for AirVenture, and the onset of longer days should be lifting our spirits. The widespread availability of vaccines in the U.S. will take some doing and collaboration but if it reduces deaths dramatically we should feel more confident in attending aviation get-togethers across the border.

Pancake breakfasts are a great method of funding a chapter but they've been in short supply in 2020. Young Eagles events have suffered badly too. Is your chapter planning to hold these events in 2021? Let's hope so. We have some catching up to do if we want to continue infusing our youngsters with our passion for aviation.

Our Canadian Council has been hard at work setting up online events for our members and you will see some of the results in this newsletter. We hope you enjoy the content and appreciate our efforts on your behalf.

Lastly, in the spirit of yew year's resolutions, I thought I'd pass on mine and encourage you to think about yours. I resolve to fly more, learn more, and do it more safely. I also would like to attend more chapter meetings and get more involved in projects with friends. Where will your resolutions take you? We'd love to know. Chapters in Canada have gone through a modest growth spurt and we hope it continues.

If you live in an area that doesn't have a local EAA chapter perhaps you could think about starting one. We're here to help. It typically takes no more than a handful of enthusiasts. You might quickly discover new friends that, so far, have just been building their own project in their basement. Our Canadian chapter leaders webinar series in the next few months would be ideal for those interested in forming a new chapter as well as existing ones.

Thank you so much to all our contributors over a difficult 2020. Without you there would be no us. Our readership has gone up month by month and we really appreciate your feedback. Just click on the contact us button at the top of the newsletter. We wish all our readers a better new year!

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