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Builder's Tip - Cover Care

By Ian Brown, EAA 657159, Editor and Canadian Council Board Member

June 2017 - I bought a Bruce’s Custom Cover for my RV after deciding that my homemade one was inadequate. That was about four years ago, and this spring I noticed mildew on the fluffy inside. When I contacted Bruce’s, they recommended diluted bleach in a spray bottle. They also said to resist the temptation to do much scrubbing as it will damage the material, and sent me, at no charge, two bottles of a waterproofing spray. I was most impressed with the service, so kudos to Bruce’s Custom Covers.

Cover Care

Mildew on the inside of the cover.

Cover Care

Here are some photos of how the cover looked before treatment and how clean it became.

Cover Care

Mildew gone – nice!

In an ideal world, I would have ironed the cover after spraying it with the sealant, but I didn’t have the time to do that, and it seems fine. I could see how it might have made the exterior coating a bit more crisp, so maybe I’ll do that next time. I’m afraid I cut corners due to the pressure of time, and the forecast of imminent rain. Another recommendation is to let it dry for at least 12 hours. After about six hours, with the cover more or less dry to the touch, I rushed to the airport to cover the bird before the rain came.

I didn’t sleep well that night, imagining all sorts of horrors like the cover sticking to the plexiglass bubble because it hadn’t had long enough to dry. All was well in the end, and I’m very pleased with a bright, clean-looking cover. 

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