Canadian Annual Airworthiness Report Changes
By Ian Brown, Editor, Bits and Pieces
April 2016 - Probably like most of you, I received notification that Transport Canada wants us to file our Annual Airworthiness Information Reports (AAIR) online. They are due by March 30. So you should have your AAIR done it by the time you read this. The simplest way is to log in with your last year’s access code, and since it stays the same every year, you may as well make a note of it somewhere convenient. It will pull up your aircraft and ask you to choose what to do next. The only mandatory items, if you flew your aircraft last year, are the date that the annual was completed, the number of hours total, and the hours flown last year. If it’s a certified aircraft, you’ll also need the details about the mechanic who signed off the annual. Don’t expect to get a paper copy in the mail.
Here is Transport Canada’s circular:
Changes to Transport Canada’s AAIR Program
Effective 2016, in the early weeks of January each year, Transport Canada (TC) will send electronic notifications of the Annual Airworthiness Information Report (AAIR) to Canadian aircraft owners with a valid email address. This practice will reduce TC’s environmental footprint and make better use of public funds. The notification will include:
- A web link to the Continuing Airworthiness Web Information System (CAWIS); and
- Instructions on how to complete the AAIR online.
Note: Owners will need their AAIR access code, which they can find on the top right corner of any AAIRs sent in the past or by contacting the AAIR division at TC.
Going forward, the AAIR/Fleet Report due date for all aircraft is now March 30 of each year. Note: The AAIR due date is not related to the annual inspection date. The AAIR requires the date of the most RECENT annual or 100-hour inspection, which could have occurred in the previous calendar year.
Reminder: To make changes to a Certificate of Registration, including address changes, aircraft owners must contact their regional registration office at 1-800-305-2059. Simply indicating a new mailing address on the AAIR form (hard copy or online) will not update the Certificate of Registration or mailing address.
For any question or concern related to AAIRs, please call TC’s AAIR division toll free at 1-888-663-3639 or send an email to