Whatever Happened to the Kon Tiki?
By Sylvia Littner, daughter of the builder
January 2017
Editor’s note: Our “From the Archives” item last month bore fruit. It was about the 50th anniversary of the article about a homebuilt amphibian aircraft. Here is the response we received from the little girl in the photograph 50 years ago. If our readers have any more info about this aircraft, it would be appreciated.
Thank you very much for the article. I am that little girl you see next to the horizontal tail!
Indeed, my father was building the Kon Tiki and almost finished it when my parents divorced. He then sold the partial aircraft to a gentleman on Montreal’s south shore (maybe Saint-Hubert Longueuil Airport). I heard that the roof of the hangar in which the aircraft was being stored had caved in. I am not too sure of the reason for this … fire?
I took over my father’s sideline business; I am now marketing all C. Piel & G. Vidor’s aircraft, and I invite you to visit my web site: www.slittneraircraftplans.com. On the ‘About’ page, you will notice a model of the Kon Tiki!