New Ideas, Aircraft Stories
By Ian Brown, EAA 657159, Editor - Bits and Pieces, Board Member - EAA Canada Council
November 2021 – We're always looking for new ideas to make this newsletter more of what you want to read and make it unique. One idea Jack Neima, EAA 413636, of Nova Scotia, came up with was that many of our aircraft have unique histories. Of course, when you come up with an idea like that you're likely to get saddled with the response “OK, show me!” Well Jack did exactly that and wrote the kickoff article about his own J-3 Cub. It would be great to have a bunch of these articles in the funnel, so that we're not scratching around for articles every month. If you, yes YOU, have an interesting aircraft (read your logbooks, do some digging) then perhaps you could follow Jack's lead and send us an article to the link below. Just a few paragraphs and some pictures attached to the email works really well. If you can send us your EAA membership number it will save us having to ask for it.
Thanks as always to our contributors this month. Some of you have to deal with challenges outside of aviation, and we hope that we can at least provide you with a bit of distraction and some interesting stories and ideas.
Oh, just for the heck of it, I think you'll enjoy one of my favourite pictures from Oshkosh. No prizes for guessing the name of the aircraft I was able to photograph just as it arrived.
I think I counted articles from members of four Canadian chapters this month. If you don't see anything written by one of your chapter members, why not go pick on someone and suggest they write an article for Bits and Pieces? It would raise the profile of your chapter in your area and perhaps get more interest in attending your chapter meetings. This applies especially to any new or reborn chapters who are interested in recruiting new members. We guarantee to include your chapter number and name in your article.
A special thanks to Mike Davenport for his contribution of multiple articles this month, despite the loss of his wife of many years. I think all our readers would join me in sending their condolences Mike.
If you have any comments, questions, suggestions, or an article to submit, you can send them to me, Ian Brown, at