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Chairperson's New Year Letter

By Jeff Seaborn, Chair, EAA Canada Council

January 2021 – Happy New Year to all. I think everyone is optimistic for 2021. It's an opportunity to refresh and restart.

Looking forward, here are a few examples of activity for 2021. These include some EAA webinars with content specifically designed for Canadian EAA members.

Click on these links to register:

February 16 – Flying Procedures into Canada
February 24 – Owner in Command: Things I Wish I Knew Before I Knew Them
March 24 – SNAGGED! Dealing with Defects Safely and Legally

As noted in December's issue of Bits and Pieces, the Canadian Council is working on implementing some Canadian chapter leaders training sessions through Zoom. These sessions are for leaders and future leaders of chapters. They are powerful sessions to help the chapter leadership develop programs and growth for the chapter. These sessions share some best practices learned from the thousand or so EAA chapters all over the world and share some EAA details and support that you might not already know about.

We're also intending to relaunch SmartPilot biannual recurrency training program. These are professionally developed training programs that are available to all. The Canadian Council had scheduled a couple of these seminars last spring and were only a few weeks from hosting them when the initial COVID lockdowns hit. Provided the lockdowns end, and we can gather again, we'll arrange a couple of these training programs with some chapters. If your chapter would like to host one, please let me know.

EAA has been working hard planning AirVenture 2021. Last year was the 75th anniversary of the end of the Second World War and to highlight that there was going to be a big celebration at AirVenture. Since COVID prevented that, the celebration was postponed to this year, 75 plus 1. I'm sure there will be many people celebrating AirVenture on its own but it will be especially special in recognition of the end of WWII. Of course, no one knows what restrictions or limitations there may be by the summer, but EAA is preparing for all ranges of possibilities. Let's hope we can be back to normal.

Regardless of where your year takes you, there are lots of opportunities to get engaged with your chapter or individually.

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