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Sisters Who Won Scavenger Hunt Visit EAA’s B-17 at AirVenture

July 27, 2016 - Scheme Designers, a company that specializes in exterior designs for aircraft of all types, holds a scavenger hunt each year at the Sun ’n Fun International Fly-In and EAA AirVenture Oshkosh.

Molly Martin, Scheme Designers’ marketing and communications representative, said the company was looking for creative ways to let people know which aircraft had been designed by Scheme when it decided to start the scavenger hunts.

“It occurred to us as we did all the shows, that you’d walk around the show grounds and everywhere you’d look there’s a Scheme Designers aircraft livery,” Martin said. “We wanted to provide a way to give the owners of the aircraft some traffic at their airplane and let people know that this is another Scheme Designers product. We were just looking to have a little bit of fun with it.”

Amelia and Piper Stagg, two sisters from Lancaster, Pennsylvania, have won the last two scavenger hunts held at AirVenture. The girls’ interest in aviation came from their dad, Woody, who’s a pilot, and they have made the trip to Oshkosh with their parents each year since 2012.

Participants in the scavenger hunts look for hints posted daily on the company’s Facebook page and are tasked with finding planes displaying a Scheme Designers decal, which indicates that the aircraft is part of the game.

“Janet, [the Scheme Designers representative in charge of the scavenger hunts] puts out these stickers on planes that their company has designed schemes for,” Piper said. “They give you a blank scavenger hunt sheet and you put down the make, model and N-number of the planes you find,” Amelia added. 

The prize for winning the scavenger hunt was a custom model aircraft of their choice, built by Factory Direct Models. After winning last year’s hunt Piper and Amelia chose a replica of EAA’s Aluminum Overcast to join the Thunderbird model they won in 2014 and commemorate the B-17 ride they took during AirVenture 2013.

“They had such a hard time deciding which model to pick that they had to do the scavenger hunt again, and they won twice, so they got to pick two planes,” Woody said.

Amelia and Piper want to give others an opportunity to win, so they don’t plan on participating in this year’s competition. They will, however, be helping the Scheme Designers team prepare for the scavenger hunt and are looking forward to enjoying other aspects of AirVenture.

“I’m excited to look at all the booths, that’s my favorite part,” Amelia said. “I like to see all the stuff that they have.”

They’re also excited to see FIFI and Doc, the last two remaining B-29s with airworthiness certificates.

If you’re looking for an interesting way to explore the AirVenture grounds, visit the Scheme Designers team at booth 3056 in Epic Aircraft Exhibit Hangar C.

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