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Presidential Aero Commander

Christina Basken

  • Ike's Bird
    Photos courtesy of Scott Main

June 13, 2019 - Ike’s Bird, a historic twin-engine aircraft used by President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s administration, is coming to EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2019. Now owned by the Commemorative Air Force, the Aero Commander has the distinction of being the smallest airplane ever to carry the call sign, Air Force One. This aircraft is especially unique because it is one of the original six Commanders bought by the Air Force for use of transporting Eisenhower on short trips. Of all the L-26s used by a president, this is the only remaining flyable aircraft. “The CAF is using the plane for a special mission. That is to carry veterans with mobility issues on free rides on the plane,” said Ike’s Bird Aircraft Director Gerald Oliver. “It has an entry door that makes it easy to get in and out. We call these rides Victory Flights for Veterans.” To find out more about Ike’s Bird and Victory Flights for Veterans, visit Keep your eyes peeled for this historic Aero Commander in the Vintage area during AirVenture.

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