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Recognizing Our Young Eagles Volunteers

David Leiting, EAA Eagle Programs Manager, EAA Lifetime 579157


May, 2023 —  As an organization, we can never thank our volunteers enough for their contributions to EAA. This is especially true of the Young Eagles program. Whether it be a dedicated ground volunteer assisting with registrations, a volunteer pilot who donates their aircraft, time, and fuel so generously, or a Young Eagles coordinator ensuring that rallies go off without a hitch, the volunteers are the heart and soul of the Young Eagles program. Without them, the program simply would not be possible.

April marked “Volunteer Appreciation Month,” so I spent a bit more time than usual reflecting on my gratitude for EAA’s volunteers. As president of my local EAA chapter, I considered how I could better thank our volunteers, and it also made me wonder how we can show more appreciation for the thousands of Young Eagles volunteers in the field.

Here are a few ideas I came up with that you may consider swiping to show appreciation for your Young Eagles volunteers.

  • Handwritten thank-you notes to volunteers following a successful event.
  • Purchase Young Eagles hats/shirts for volunteers using Young Eagles credits.
  • Provide free breakfast or lunch for Young Eagles volunteers.
  • Provide an adult Eagle Flight for a volunteer who is not a pilot.
  • At the end of the year, order Young Eagles volunteer certificates and EAA pins to present at your chapter’s banquet.


EAA also offers special Young Eagles awards that are presented at the Young Eagles volunteer banquet held during EAA AirVenture Oshkosh each summer.

Now is your chance to nominate those Young Eagles volunteers who have gone the extra mile to make the program so special. EAA and the GA community are indebted to these folks. It is our responsibility to ensure they earn the recognition they deserve, so your nominations are much appreciated! There are several Young Eagles awards available. Check out the Young Eagles Award nomination form here.

Speaking of EAA AirVenture Oshkosh — be sure to check out what else the Young Eagles program has in store for you when you arrive here in Oshkosh!

As always, thank you for your continued dedication to the Young Eagles program!

David Leiting, EAA Lifetime 579157
Eagles Program Manager

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