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Volunteers Needed for EAA’s Canadian Council

red plane positioned behind EAA Canada flag at AirVenture 

EAA’s Canadian Council is currently seeking candidates for open membership positions. Canadian Council members are dedicated volunteers that regularly work with EAA headquarters, EAA Chapters, EAA Canada, and Canadian members to promote aviation throughout Canada. Members hold periodic conference calls to discuss business, as well as gather annually at AirVenture in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. During AirVenture, members are encouraged to help support the EAA Canadian HQ Tent and associated event activities.

Candidates should reside in Canada and possess a solid understanding of Canadian recreational aviation interests. Applicants must be willing to donate time and effort to advance these initiatives for all fellow citizens. In return, candidates will make new friends, grow as an aviator, and help develop general aviation in Canada, all while enjoying the fulfillment that comes with promoting aviation to all ages. Council members play a vital role in supporting Canadian EAA members, EAA chapter activities, and general aviation in many different and exciting aspects throughout the year.

Candidates will dually serve on EAA’s Canadian Council and EAA Canada’s board of directors in a supporting role to help identify worthy aviation-focused causes in Canada to financially support. EAA Canada is an independent nonprofit organization that allows Canadian citizens the ability to make charitable donations that will directly support Canadian general aviation.

If you are interested in this position, please apply here.

All applications will be reviewed and answered appropriately. Should you have any questions about this position or the role of the Canadian Council, please contact EAA Canadian Council Chairwoman Raquel Lincoln at

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