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U.S. Senate Commerce Committee Passes FAA Reauthorization Bill

The U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation last week passed the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2023 (S. 1939), out of committee. The five-year authorization bill now progresses to the full Senate, for which a date for the debate and vote has not yet been set.

The current FAA reauthorization has been extended through March 8, 2024, and the Senate will need to take action or another extension will be needed. The House in July 2023 passed its FAA reauthorization, the Securing Growth and Robust Leadership in American Aviation Act (H.R. 3935), with broad bipartisan support in a 351-69 vote. The bills include language of importance to general aviation including controller workforce staffing, systems upgrades, airports, aircraft registration, and medical standards.

The Senate version has different language than the House version. When passed by the Senate, the bills will need to be conferenced to create a final version which will need to be passed and signed by the president to become law.

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