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Chapter Leaders Learning How to Best Serve You

  • Chapter Leader Academy
    Chapter Leadership Academy session in Oshkosh, Wisconsin

February 2, 2017 - With the new year comes a new beginning and a fresh start for EAA’s nearly 900 individual chapters. The organization offers two leadership workshop opportunities for chapter officers and leaders to learn more about EAA’s programs and resources for chapters.

Last week EAA Chapter 976 hosted a Chapter Leadership Boot Camp in Carrollton, Georgia, with 35 participants from chapters all along the eastern seaboard and southeast region in attendance. EAA’s boot camps are one-day cram courses to learn about topics ranging from member recruitment and Young Eagles to insurance and how to best use chapter resources.

A second workshop, EAA’s Chapter Leadership Academy, is currently in session at the EAA Aviation Center in Oshkosh.  Just over 50 members from all over the country arrived Wednesday night to network, share, and learn best practices for how to better serve their chapter. The Chapter Leadership Academy is an immersive three-day workshop. Chapter leaders learn a tremendous amount about EAA and its different programs, and have an excellent opportunity to network with other chapter leaders as well as interact with EAA staff.

Visit to learn more about our upcoming sessions and opportunities for chapter leaders. If you are interested in hosting a boot camp, please contact us at

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