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New Draft of Critical Guidance for Experimentals Reviewed by EAA

September 8, 2016 - EAA has reviewed and commented on a forthcoming draft of FAA Order 8130.2, revision “J.” The document is critical to homebuilders, warbird operators, and others in the aviation community. Among other functions, the order sets procedures for inspecting new experimental aircraft and dictates operating limitations.

The current revision, “H,” was published in February of last year. EAA worked hard to fix flawed language in early drafts of that document that would have adversely effected everyday operations in experimental aircraft. The new draft revision, "J," contains formatting changes but no major shifts in policy. EAA’s comments were mostly focused on clarifications and cleanups to the current language in revision H that was carried over into the new revision.

“EAA appreciates the opportunity to provide input to the FAA on projects such as this,” said Sean Elliott, vice president of advocacy and safety. “Any change to this Order has real-world implications for tens of thousands of our members, and we believe that with the changes we suggested the next revision will maintain the status quo as far as operations go while improving clarity and usability of the document.”

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