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ATC Privatization Experience in the U.K. Not Good

August 31, 2017 - A new review shows that air traffic control privatization in the United Kingdom – often used as an example of the positive results of privatization – is actually anything but positive. Multiple reports indicate that since going to a privatized ATC system (NATS) in the U.K., it has:

  • Caused widespread delays, technical outages, and stranded passengers
  • Not received modernization and, despite that, now needs a bailout from the government
  • Destabilized the funding process
  • Caused some air traffic services to be taken over by a company owned by a foreign government

Even while the U.S. Congress is in summer recess, proponents of ATC privatization are hard at work gaining support for the House 21st Century Aviation Innovation, Reform, and Reauthorization Act (H.R. 2997). However, many lawmakers are in their home districts during the August recess, meeting constituents at civic events and town hall meetings, giving you an opportunity to speak to them personally and express opposition for this bad legislation. Use EAA’s Rally Congress tool to find your elected officials’ websites and see if there is a town hall near you. EAA urges our fellow members to continue reaching out to their elected officials. Learn more about ATC privatization >>

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