EAA Chapter 675 Restores Phantom Gate Guard
By Paul Adams, EAA 178754
August 25, 2016 - EAA Chapter 675 of Marshalltown, Iowa, was approached by the Marshalltown American Legion Post 46 with the request for our assistance in cleaning and painting the Legion’s F-4 Phantom. As caretaker of the F-4, the U.S. Air Force requires the Legion to keep the aircraft in good visible shape. The Marshalltown F-4 was in definite need of a cleanup and new paint. The American Legion sought out Chapter 675 to help thinking that we had aircraft experience, which was of course true. We gladly volunteered our time and helped with some financial assistance.
The project turned out to be fun although much of the work was performed on hot muggy days. On the first day, the five volunteers were all veterans and, I might add, all over the age of 70. The first day consisted primarily of scraping, sanding, and washing. A professional painter was hired by the Legion with materials supplied by local merchants, thus we were needed only as assistants on the second and third days. Our work consisted of moving ladders, mixing paint, taping, moving the hoses, hydrating the painter and other various work related jobs. In our chapter food is always important, thus we provided lunch and drinks.
Each day we worked on the F-4, pictures with articles were placed in the local paper showing the progress. Marshalltown is a small town and the articles were front page stories. With this exposure the word got out and as we worked many townspeople gave us a honk as they drove by. One day the veterans’ bus drove by and we snapped them a salute. Fun was had by all and we gave service to our community. Also, it is our deep desire that this aircraft will be a continuing reminder of all the veterans, past and present, who have supported our way of life, ideals, and the liberties and freedoms that we enjoy as Americans.