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Eagle Hangar Features a Video From 'The History Guy'

February 27, 2020 - EAA's Berlin 250 display in the EAA Aviation Museum was recently upgraded with a video produced by The History Guy, the popular YouTube host with more than 660,000 subscribers. The Berlin 250 exhibit highlights the massive Eighth Air Force bombing flight over Berlin on March 6, 1944, where the Mighty Eighth suffered tremendous losses during its 250th combat mission.

EAA employee David Schrubbe reached out to The History Guy, Lance Geiger, to see if he would be interested in contracting with EAA for the project. Geiger was enthralled with the tale of the bombing mission and volunteered his time to produce the segment, which includes a credit to EAA at its end.

The video can be seen as part of the Berlin 250 exhibit immediately inside the ground-floor entrance of the Eagle Hangar.

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