
International Federal Pavilion

During EAA AirVenture Oshkosh | Exhibit Hangar D
Monday - Saturday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Sunday: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

The International Federal Pavilion annually hosts the International Federal Partnership featuring federal agencies and organizations from the U.S., Canada, and the Bahamas. 

Exhibits will be in one of the coolest places on AirVenture grounds. Radar and weather monitoring, drones, interactive displays that include a Wright Flyer simulator, a vintage Fairchild aircraft once operated by the U.S. National Park Service and aircraft and vessels from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection are just some of the displays in the pavilion.

As always, many educational forums will be presented by the various government representatives. These forums include information regarding the various missions of each agency. Some of the forums will give FAA “Wings” credit for attendance.

One of the most significant events of the week for the IFP is hosting EAA's Make-A-Wish Day on Saturday, marking the 23rd consecutive year of providing a fun-filled day for these very special children and their families. The day will include a flight in EAA's Bell 47 helicopter, a flight in the EAA Ford Tri-Motor. Ultralight flights and other exciting activities.

The Bahamas: Flying to the Bahamas from the U.S. should not be a daunting task. Representatives from the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism, Investments and Aviation, Bahamas Customs, Bahamas Civil Aviation Authority and Royal Bahamas Police Force will be on hand to answer questions regarding personal travel to/from the Bahamas, including flight procedures, weather, customs, security requirements, airport information, NOTAMS and other flight and general information about traveling/flying to the Bahamas in a private aircraft.

This year's Bahamas booth is featuring lots of great printed material, including customs and general declaration forms that pilots need for the trip, as well as The Private Pilot Guide, which is particularly helpful and available at the booth for free! It contains phone numbers for Customs, FBO information, great ideas for places to stay, fly-in event information and more, between its covers. We invite you to attend any of our daily seminars and learn how easy it is to fly to The Bahamas. All seminars are held in the International Federal Partnership Forum in the IFP pavilion and qualify for FAA "WINGS" credit. For more information about The Bahamas, visit our booth in the IFP pavilion, or online, at to make your flight planning process and your trip to the Bahamas such an enjoyable experience that you'll want to come back over and over again!

Bird Strike Committee USA: Bird and other wildlife strikes to aircraft annually cause well over $700 million in damage to U.S. civil and military aviation. Furthermore, these strikes put the lives of aircraft crew members and their passengers at risk: over 250 people have been killed worldwide as a result of wildlife strikes since 1988. Within the United States there was no one forum where information or concerns dealing with this problem could be addressed. Bird Strike Committee USA was formed in 1991 to facilitate the exchange of information, promote the collection and analysis of accurate wildlife strike data, promote the development of new technologies for reducing wildlife hazards, promote professionalism in wildlife management programs on airports through training and advocacy of high standards of conduct for airport biologists and bird patrol personnel, and be a liaison to similar organizations in other countries. More information is available at

National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB):The NTSB is the United States government's voice for transportation safety. It investigates all civil aviation accidents in the United States, examines significant rail, marine, highway and pipeline accidents, determines the probable cause of each accident, and issues safety recommendations that, if followed, prevent similar accidents from happening again. Since its establishment in 1967, the NTSB has investigated more than 140,000 aviation accidents and thousands of surface transportation accidents. It has issued over 13,400 safety recommendations based upon its investigations and conclusions. An impressive 83 percent of the recommendations have been implemented. The NTSB is also responsible for maintaining the government's official census of civil aviation accidents and conducts special studies of transportation safety issues of national significance. In addition, the NTSB provides investigators to serve as U.S. accredited representatives, as specified in international treaties, for aviation accidents overseas involving U.S.-registered aircraft or involving aircraft or major components of U.S. manufacture. For additional information about the NTSB and to access all of the NTSB accident reports, see our website at

North American Aerospace Defense Command, or as it’s more commonly known, “NORAD”, is a bi-national organization, consisting of military and civilian personnel from the United States and Canada. It is charged with conducting aerospace warning, aerospace control, and maritime warning in the defense of North America. Aerospace warning includes detection, validation, and warning of attack against North America, whether by aircraft, missile, or space vehicles, through mutual support arrangements with other military commands.

NOAA/NWS: The NWS provides early warnings of dangerous weather and aviation weather information to the FAA's Flight Service Stations (AFSS) and Air Route Traffic Control Centers (ARTCC) for day-to-day pilot weather briefings. Additionally, the NWS provides general weather, hydrological and climate forecasts and warnings for the United States, its territories, adjacent waters and ocean areas.

From daily weather forecasts, severe storm warnings and climate monitoring to fisheries management, coastal restoration and supporting marine commerce, NOAA’s products and services support economic vitality and affect more than one-third of America’s gross domestic product. NOAA’s dedicated scientists use cutting-edge research and high-tech instrumentation to provide citizens, planners, emergency managers and other decision makers with reliable information they need when they need it.

Royal Bahamas Police Force / Customs / Civil Aviation Authority: Flying to the Bahamas from the U.S. should not be daunting, if you ask Dennis Dames, Royal Bahamas Police Force, Assistant Superintendent and officer-in-charge of air support service for the Force. Dames and his aviation team will be on hand to answer attendee questions at The Islands of the Bahamas Booth in the Federal Pavilion, at AirVenture. This year's Bahamas booth will also feature lots of great printed material, including customs and general declaration forms that pilots need for the trip. The Private Pilot Guide is particularly helpful and available at the booth for free. It contains phone numbers for Customs, FBO information, great ideas for places to stay, fly-in event information and more between its covers. Originally created by the Air National Guard Aviation Safety Division, this portal is now funded by the Defense Safety Oversight Council and includes all military services. Our goal is to eliminate midair collisions and reduce close calls through continuous flight safety and proper flight planning. By promoting information exchange between civilian pilots and the military flight safety community, we hope to provide one-stop shopping to help all of us safely share the skies. This portal will allow users to find and link to all existing military Mid-Air Collision Avoidance (MACA) programs in a single web site, while also enjoying new access to information from bases that did not previously have web-based content. Please stop by our booth in the Federal Pavilion.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Air and Marine Operations (AMO): This integral component of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is charged with protecting the American people and critical infrastructure using an integrated and coordinated air and marine force to deter, interdict, and prevent acts of terrorism arising from unlawful movement of people and goods across the borders of the United States. Our booth, aircraft and drones will be staffed by AMO personnel ready to discuss AMO's three core missions: interdiction, law enforcement support and air domain security. Visit the website.

The U.S. National Park Service (NPS):Most people know that the NPS, created nearly 100 years ago, cares for a network of over 400 natural, cultural and recreational sites across the nation. The treasures in this system – the first of its kind in the world – have been set aside by the American people to preserve, protect and share the legacies of this land. The NPS operates a broad range of airplanes and helicopters, flying approximately 20,000 hours annually in support of the system. Throughout the week of AirVenture, NPS employees and volunteers will answer questions and present forums regarding aviation heritage at sites like the Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park and Wright Brothers National Memorial. They will also address concerns about access to the NPS system by land or air. We hope to see you soon in a national park and invite you to Experience Your America at

USDA Forest Service USDA Forest Service is a multi-faceted agency that manages and protects 154 national forests and 20 grasslands in 43 states and Puerto Rico. The agency’s mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of the nation’s forests and grasslands to meet the needs of present and future generations.

Forest Service has an elite wildland firefighting team and the world’s largest forestry research organization. Experts provide technical and financial help to state and local government agencies, businesses, private landowners and work government-to-government with tribes to help protect and manage non-federal forest and associated range and watershed lands.

Forest Service augments their work through partnerships with public and private agencies that help plant trees, improve trails, educate the public, and improve conditions in wildland/urban interfaces and rural areas, just to name a few. Forest Service also promotes sustainable forest management and biodiversity conservation internationally. For more information, visit

USFWS National Aviation Management Branch: The USFWS National Aviation Management Branch is responsible for providing oversight and management of Service’s national aviation program, which includes aviation safety, training, policy development, compliance, and budget. The Branch is also responsible for the national management of the Service’s Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) program.

The Service Aviation Program consist of a fleet of 45 Pilots, 64 UAS Operators, 49 airplanes, 1 helicopter, and 186 UASs. This is over 58% of the Department Of Interior aircraft fleet, 65% of the UAS fleet, and over 60% of the annual flying hours.

The Branch operates with federal interagency partners, states, counties, and non-government organizations. Aviation missions include wildlife surveys, animal tracking, endangered species tagging, law enforcement, wildland fire suppression, natural disaster response, forest health study, mapping, and VIP support. These missions are conducted with a fleet of aircraft that are amphibious, ski, off airport, and aerial remote sensing capable

NAV Canada  We are Canada’s Air Navigation Service Provider (ANSP) managing 3.3 million flights a year for 40,000 customers in over 18 million square kilometers – the world’s second-largest ANSP by traffic volume.

Our airspace stretches from the Pacific West coast to the East coast of Newfoundland and out to the center of the North Atlantic, the world’s busiest oceanic airspace with some 1,200 flights crossing to and from the European continent daily. It also stretches from the busy U.S-Canada border with major international airports to the North Pole where aircraft fly polar routes to reach Asia.

We are also the world’s first fully privatized civil air navigation service provider, created in 1996 through the combined efforts of commercial air carriers, general aviation, the Government of Canada, as well as our employees and their unions.

Safety is our top priority. These services include: air traffic control, airport advisory and flight information, and aeronautical information.

Our dedicated employees provide services to commercial and general aviation from facilities throughout Canada.

Canadian Owners & Pilots Association (COPA) COPA is the national voice for General Aviation pilots and aircraft owners in Canada. With over 16,000 members in every province and territory, COPA is Canada’s largest aviation association. Through the mission of advancing, promoting, and preserving the Canadian freedom to fly, COPA is at the forefront on issues that affect pilots, aircraft and airports in communities across Canada and is an active partner with all levels of government in ensuring a bright future for General Aviation. COPA offers many initiatives aimed at introducing new people to general aviation, including the organization’s Neil Armstrong Scholarship, and annual COPA for Kids flight program offering free flights to youth ages 8-17 in communities across Canada. For more information, visit

Transport Canada Transport Canada is responsible for transportation policies and programs. We promote safe, secure, efficient and environmentally responsible transportation. For more information, visit

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