PROTENG Donates Fire Suppression System to EAA
November 27, 2019 - PROTENG, a company that specializes in automatic fire suppression and detection, has donated a number of unique devices to EAA for use in EAA aircraft. "It's basically a sealed plastic tube with fire-suppressive retardant inside it," EAA aircraft maintenance manager John Hopkins explained. "If the tube is exposed to flame or extremely high heat, it melts the tube and it disperses gas in about half a second. It just kind of blows it all out really quick and snuffs out the fire."
As of right now, PROTENG devices are installed on EAA's Van's RV-6 and RV-12, as well as the North American P-64.
"We greatly appreciate it," John said of PROTENG's generous donation. "It's a very clever design, very simple to install. It really requires no hardware other than maybe some padded zip ties. If you want to remove it, you just cut a couple of zip ties and take it right back off again. It's super easy to put where you need it."