EAA Maintains Importance of GA in Comments on Amazon Petition
August 29, 2019 - EAA filed comments on Wednesday maintaining the importance of general aviation operations in the national airspace in response to a petition made by Amazon for relief from certain rules in order to conduct drone deliveries.
"EAA remains committed to the philosophy that UAS must be integrated into the airspace, with no concessions given to UAS that would encumber manned aircraft in any operation that is presently allowed, nor any equipment mandates imposed on manned aircraft beyond what is already required," the comments state. "Additionally, manned aircraft must have the right-of-way in all circumstances."
In addition to reaffirming EAA's long-standing position on UAS integration, the comments give specific examples of various types of flying EAA members partake in on a regular basis below 400 feet AGL, where Amazon intends to operate, including ultralight vehicles, private airports and helipads, backcountry flying, seaplanes, and open water or sparsely populated areas. This affirms the need for extremely reliable sense and avoid technology that can detect any and all manned aircraft.
EAA will continue to monitor this issue closely going forward, to ensure safe integration of UAS users into the national airspace. Find the full comments made by EAA below.
View EAA's Comments on the Amazon Petition