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Medical Extensions Set to End June 30 Without Further Relief

June 18, 2020 – The Special Federal Aviation Regulation issued by the FAA to extend medicals until June 30 in light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is set to expire in the absence of further relief from the agency before the end of the month.

EAA has been involved in industry efforts to request an additional extension for medical certifications and certain other relief, in the face of continued uncertainty over the COVID-19 pandemic in many parts of the country. Thus far, the FAA has taken no public action to extend their pandemic-related special rule.

In a notice from the FAA Safety Team, the FAA advised the aviation community that a majority of AMEs are now accepting airmen for medical renewal. Pilots in need of a medical certification examination whose AME is not currently seeing patients were instructed to use the website to search their area for another nearby AME. The notice added pilots can contact their Regional Flight Surgeon's office for assistance or with questions.

Despite the likely need to resume AME visits, EAA encourages pilots to exercise discretion in scheduling appointments as they would for all interactions during the pandemic. The medical community is adapting well to elective visits, but those with high risk factors will need to use appropriate caution.

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