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EAA Urges House to Pass FAA Reauthorization Without ATC Privatization

June 9, 2016 - With only a few weeks left before the FAA’s temporary funding authorization expires, EAA is urging House leadership to move with haste before time runs out. EAA, along with several other general aviation organizations, signed a letter addressed to House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin) and Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-California) urging the House to take up the version of FAA Reauthorization recently passed by the Senate with overwhelming bipartisan support.

FAA Reauthorization continues to be stalled in the House due to a controversial ATC privatization measure contained in that chamber’s version of the bill, which EAA has strongly opposed since its introduction. Despite bipartisan opposition to the ATC privatization scheme in both houses of Congress, House Transportation committee leadership remains uncommitted to passing a version of FAA Reauthorization that does not contain such a measure. A delay past July 15 would require another short-term funding authorization to be passed until differences over ATC privatization can be resolved, potentially deferring any action until after the election or well into the next Congress.

The letter states that the millions of hardworking taxpayers represented by EAA and other GA organizations “want Congress to get things done and not let this important bill be stalled because of a provision that divides our community and many within Congress.” EAA remains committed to supporting a long-term funding authorization for the FAA with no ATC Privatization scheme and one which includes medical reform along with numerous other pro-GA provisions. Another short-term extension would only further delay this much-needed reform.

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