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EAA Sport Aviation Extras

Below you'll find videos, photo galleries, links, spreadsheets, and an assortment of other resources that correspond with content in this month's issue of EAA Sport Aviation, EAA's flagship magazine. 

ViewThis Month's Extras Archives 

EAA Sport Aviation - May 2018

May Sport Aviation 2018

Page 1—Open Cockpit

Website: EAA's Flying Club Resource Center

Page 6—Letters to the Editor

Website: Chicken Wings Comics

Page 10—Advocacy

Website: EAA Advocacy and Safety

Website: EAA's Accessible Safety STC program

Website: EAA Supports Senate Aviation Maintenance Workforce Development Bill

PDF: Aviation Maintenance Workforce Development Pilot Bill

Website: Senate Bill Offers Best Path to FAA Reauthorization

Website: NTSB Releases Weight and Balance Safety Alert

PDF: "Minding Weight, Maintaining Balance" Safety Alert 

Page 12—Flightline/News From HQ

Website: World War I Centennial Activities Highlighted at AirVenture 2018

Website: B-17s Charge Guard at National Museum of the U.S. Air Force

Website: Memphis Belle Opening Events at National Museum of the U.S. Air Force  

Website: KidVenture Marking 20th Anniversary in 2018

Website: EAA SportAir Workshops

Video: Kitty Hawk Cora Flight Test

Website: Air Power Squadron

Website: The People’s Mosquito

Website: USS Lexington Discovery

Website: National Museum of the U.S. Air Force

Page 14—Innovation

Website: GoFly Prize

Page 22—Pathways

Website: EAA Young Eagles

Page 38—Flight Test

PDF: NTSB Learjet Accident Cockpit Voice Recording Transcript

Page 42—Plane Talk

Website: Lauran Paine Jr.’s Website

Page 54—Flying Tribute

Website: Texas Flying Legends Museum Lope's Hope 3rd

Page 62—88CHARLIES

Website: 88CHARLIES website

Website: 88CHARLIES Facebook page

Page 70—Ultimate AirVenture

Website: Camping at AirVenture

Page 78—Fun and Function

Website: Budd Davisson’s Website

Page 97—Member Central

Website: Membership Questions?

Website: EAA Technical Counselors

Page 104—Members and Chapters in Action

Blog: EAA Chapter Homebuilds a Hangar

Blog: Chapter 977 Hosts 10th Annual Shamrock Fly-In in New Home

Blog: EAA Member Organizes Bud Anderson Visit for Local Airport

Website: EAA Chapters

Page 114—Shop Talk

Website: Budd Davisson’s Website

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