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Become a Speaker

EAA Speakers Bureau
Thank you for your interest in volunteering to join the EAA Speakers Bureau.

By joining the EAA Speakers Bureau, I agree to follow these basic guidelines:

  • I understand that I am volunteering to speak. I will not request any fees or honorariums.
  • I will respond to chapter requests in a timely manner.
  • I will refrain from comments regarding race, religion, creed, color, sex, age, national origin, marital status, disability, sexual preference or other status protected by law as well as comments of a political nature.
  • I will make sure to communicate any special equipment or needs in advance.
  • I will arrive in advance of the agreed upon speaking time.
  • If I have to cancel the speaking engagement, I will notify the chapter immediately.
  • I understand that EAA can remove me from the EAA Speakers Bureau at any time at its sole discretion for any reason whatsoever or for no reason.
In return, you can expect the following from EAA Chapters:
  • If requested, reimbursement for reasonable travel costs. Please make this known in advance.
  • An attentive and appreciative audience of aviation supporters.
By clicking “I Agree” I am giving the Experimental Aircraft Association authorization to utilize my individual contact information for the EAA Speakers Bureau and to work within the Speaker Guidelines.
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