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Submit Your Extra Credit for Chapter Recognition Now!


November 2023 – EAA chapters are one of the most vital components in making general aviation fun, affordable, and accessible at the local level. To recognize chapters that demonstrate outstanding commitment to general aviation, EAA instituted the Chapter Recognition program in 2019. This recognition system is based on 10 criteria which EAA has insight into to provide credit that correlates with active and engaged chapters. As 2023 comes to an end, we will start calculating Chapter Recognition points for each chapter and squadron.

In addition to the 10 selected criteria, every chapter has the opportunity to gain another recognition point (an 11th extra credit point) by participating in an aviation-related activity, such as a chapter build or restoration project, youth build project, chapter scholarship (separate from the Ray Aviation Scholarship), safety seminar, a chapter tool crib, IAC competition, etc. For your chapter to receive this 11th recognition point, you will need to let us know the extra credit activity your chapter engaged in. Please submit your activities that can potentially bring new members to your chapter and provide an opportunity for people in your area to engage in aviation-related programs with your chapter. One submission is allowed per chapter; however, you may include as many activities as you want in your submission. Please submit your extra credit by January 8, 2024.


Submit Your Activities


Your chapter will receive one point when meeting each of the following criteria:

  • Attends a chapter leadership training session
  • Growing or steady membership
  • Offers IMC or VMC Club programs
  • Participates in Young Eagles or Flying Start programs
  • Has an EAA-approved flight advisor or technical counselor
  • Participates in EAA’s annual chapter member survey
  • Participates in Young Eagles Build and Fly or Young Eagles Workshops, sends a youth to EAA’s Air Academy, or completes an EAA Ray Scholarship
  • Requests an EAA ChapterBlast email
  • Hosts at least two public events each year
  • Owns/leases a facility
  • Extra credit activity, such as a chapter build project, youth build project, chapter scholarship (separate from Ray scholars), a chapter tool crib, IAC competition, etc.

Learn About Recognition Criteria
Each criterion met will be worth one point and every chapter will have the ability to earn up to 11 points including the extra credit. Chapter points will be tallied beginning in January 2024, with notification to chapters regarding their recognition level to be completed around mid-February. Chapters scoring at least seven out of ten will be publicly recognized by EAA. There will be three levels of recognition: Bronze (7 out of 10), Silver (8 out of 10), and Gold (at least 9 out of 10).

Chapters scoring within one of these high recognition levels will be recognized via the EAA Find a Chapter webpage, a personalized icon for your chapter’s webpage/newsletter, and a banner for your chapter to proudly display in your meeting location.

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