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Get Ready for Chapter Renewal!

Christopher Gauger, EAA 746128, Chapter Field Representative I


October 2023 – With the end of the year approaching, the time is almost here for chapter renewal. Each year, all EAA chapters must renew their charters and purchase insurance for the coming year using our online renewal tool. This is also an opportunity for you to update or correct your chapter meeting and officer information. It is the only time of the year that you can make these changes yourself. At any other time, you must contact the EAA chapters office so we can update or correct this information for you in our database.

We expect the chapter renewal tool to be available around November 1, 2023. When the tool is ready, an email will be sent to all chapter presidents, vice presidents, secretaries, and treasurers to let them know the renewal period is open and giving them access to the online renewal tool. The email will also include login information and helpful tips for completing renewal and answering questions you may have about the process. Only one officer from your chapter needs to complete the renewal process.

If you are an outgoing chapter officer and will be stepping down, please forward the renewal email to the new chapter officer(s) so they can complete the renewal process. The deadline to complete chapter renewal will be December 31, 2023. Timely completion of renewal will ensure that your chapter remains in good standing and is covered by EAA’s insurance.

We try to make the process as easy as possible by pre-loading the fields in the renewal form with data from last year’s renewal. That way all you need to do is look over the information and make updates as necessary. Completing the renewal process should take less than 15 minutes as long as you have all of the requested information ready at hand.

Make sure all of your information is correct: chapter meeting location and date/time, number of chapter members, who your officers are, and so forth. Accuracy is important for three reasons. First, it allows EAA to communicate with the right people at your chapter. Second, it helps new people contact your chapter and find out when and where you meet. Third, it helps your chapter recognition score.

When the renewal process is complete, you will receive two emails:

  • The first email is a summary of all the information you entered into the renewal tool. Please review this information carefully and make sure everything is correct, since this information — such as chapter meeting date/time and location — automatically populates the EAA Find a Chapter webpage and your chapter’s EAA-provided website (if you have one). If any changes need to be made, please contact the EAA chapters office immediately.
  • The second email will be a receipt if you paid by credit card, or a voucher if you selected the pay-by-check option. The voucher tells you who to make the check out to and where to send it. If you opt to pay by check, please follow up with the appropriate person to make sure it actually gets mailed!

Notes about Insurance

All EAA chapters in the United States and Canada are required to participate in EAA’s Chapter Insurance program. This is one of the items that chapters agree to when they complete their annual renewal agreement. The policy protects chapters and their members, officers, directors, and volunteers by providing comprehensive general liability coverage 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and it extends liability coverage to chapters that own or lease a hangar, clubhouse, or both. All of this is offered at a reasonable price thanks to the phenomenal safety record of EAA chapters.

Chapters are encouraged to make full use of their insurance by holding as many events throughout the year as they can comfortably handle. This has the additional benefit of keeping your chapter in the local spotlight, providing multiple opportunities to recruit new members and fundraise. An active chapter will be a strong and healthy chapter.

If you have any questions about renewal, please contact the EAA chapters office by calling 800-564-6322 or emailing us at chapters@eaa.org.

Our chapters thrive because of the hard work and dedication of members and leaders such as yourself. On behalf of the EAA chapters staff, I thank you for the time and effort you have devoted to your chapter, and I ask that you thank your fellow chapter leaders and members for the work they have done to help sustain and grow your chapter, the EAA community, and general aviation.

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