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Double Young Eagles Credits Among Special Highlights for 30th Anniversary

October 2022


We are a little over two months into the year-long celebration of the Young Eagles 30th anniversary. As a reminder, here are the special opportunities that exist for your chapter to take advantage of!

Double Young Eagles Credits: To encourage more flight activity and additional chapter rallies, EAA will be offering double Young Eagles credits ($10 per flight) from January 1, 2023, to July 31, 2023. This incentive will allow chapters and volunteers from warm and cooler climates to take advantage of the bonus. Learn more about the Young Eagles Credit program at EAA.org/YECredits.

30 Flights for 30 Years: Volunteer Young Eagles pilots who fly 30 youths between August 1, 2022, and July 31, 2023, will be awarded a commemorative polo shirt. Once pilots reach this milestone, EAA will contact pilots to request their shirt size. Milestones will be tracked at EAA.org/YE30.

First-Time Young Eagles Pilot Challenge: The Young Eagles program will never run into a shortage of children to fly. However, consistently growing the volunteer pilot force is critical to the future of the program. Through the 30th anniversary celebration period from August 1, 2022, to July 31, 2023, all first-time Young Eagles pilots will be entered into a monthly drawing to win a Lightspeed Zulu 3 headset! New pilot requirements can be found at EAA.org/YEPilots.

Young Eagles 30th Anniversary Pins: The Young Eagles program would not be possible without the amazing ground volunteers. Since pilots have a challenge of their own, EAA wanted to be sure that ground volunteers received a token of appreciation for all the hard work and dedication put into the program. Chapter coordinators can request commemorative pins to award to ground volunteers at EAA.org/YE30.

In addition to these special programs, EAA will be highlighting Young Eagles success stories, dedicated volunteers, and chapters making an impact via the Young Eagles program. There are two different forms that can be submitted, based on the story’s contents. Please fill out one of the forms to share your story and/or why you volunteer to support Young Eagles.

For more information about the Young Eagles program, please visit EAA.org/YoungEagles.

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