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EAA Virtual Ultralight Days

Timm Bogenhagen, EAA 379292


February 15, 2022– This month brings a special treat for ultralight lovers. EAA Virtual Ultralight Days is scheduled for February 22-24, 2022. Using the power of the internet and the rich heritage of EAA connecting people together to learn, EAA will host five webinars each of these three days.

Following a similar format as the successful past two years of Homebuilders Week, Ultralight Days will focus presentations on the lighter and more affordable side of recreational aviation. Well-known subject matter experts of the ultralight community will present the webinars. The live sessions will also feature a question-and-answer period where attendees can have their questions personally answered. All sessions are free of charge to everyone interested in ultralight aviation. Sessions will be recorded and EAA members will have access to the online videos. This inaugural event coincides with the 40th anniversary of Federal Aviation Regulation Part 103, Ultralight Vehicles, that was first published in 1982. To see the schedule and register for presentations go to, EAA.org/UltralightDays. To all of our ultralight chapters, I hope you will take advantage of this opportunity and pass the word along to your members.

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