IAC Announces National Aerobatics Day June 26
June 2021 – National Aerobatics Day will debut on Saturday, June 26, as announced by Jim Bourke, president of the International Aerobatic Club (IAC) in March. Since that time, many aviation leaders have expressed much enthusiasm for the new celebratory day.
“Aerobatics is another way to improve your overall stick and rudder skills. It is a natural extension to upset training that is often encouraged by plane manufacturers and insurance companies,” said EAA Chairman and CEO Jack J. Pelton.
“When I got my private pilot certificate 44 years ago, I was encouraged by my mentor to go out and do some aerobatic training. One, to understand what happens if you do encounter a wake turbulence upset event and two, to learn to fly even more precise stick and rudder maneuvers. I loved it. While I never competed it always has been something of interest,” said Pelton.
In his email to Jim Bourke and IAC members, Pelton added, “I encourage you during National Aerobatics Day to go fly and I hope you will host events to help introduce pilots to enhancing their skills.”
“With over 40 chapters nationwide and two international chapters, IAC members are organizing aerobatic-related activities to engage the public and general aviation pilots in aerobatics,” said Bourke. “National Aerobatics Day is the perfect day to host an aerobatic camp, a BBQ, a practice session, or to share videos of aerobatic activity online.” IAC has established National Aerobatics Day as the fourth Saturday in June each year. It will highlight the dedicated pilots who fly these precision maneuvers as well as the ground support teams that make it possible.
More information is available at IAC.org — including IAC chapters throughout the country and IAC contest and events calendars for aerobatic activity on June 26 and year-round!