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Happy New Year from the EAA Chapter Office

January 2021 – From all of us on EAA's Chapters team, thank you and Happy New Year! Chapter members are the most passionate and motivated aviation enthusiasts within the world of sport aviation. Whether participating in programs such as Young Eagles Workshops, Build and Fly, Young Eagles, Eagle Flights, Flying Start, the Ray Aviation Scholarship program, or IMC and VMC clubs, chapters excel in The Spirit of Aviation. Without doubt, our EAA chapters and squadrons enjoy the comradery of aviation, and the impact on recreational aviation is felt industrywide.

With 2021 just on the horizon we in Oshkosh are looking forward to working with our chapters. We hope your chapter takes this time to celebrate the accomplishments of your chapter members over this past year.

Happy new year from all of us in the EAA Chapter office!

Charlie Becker, EAA Lifetime 515808, Director, Chapters & Homebuilt Community Manager
John Egan, EAA 336835 Sr. Manager, Chapters
Serena Kamps, EAA Lifetime 1011028, Chapter Field Representative
Megan Hart, EAA 1076634, Chapter Field Representative I
Chris Gauger, EAA 1281606, Chapter Programs Assistant
Radek Wyrzykowski, EAA 1187948, Manager of Flight Proficiency
Natasha Sarauer, EAA 1347644, Administrative Assistant Chapters & Communities

Congratulations to our own Serena Kamps here in the EAA Chapters office. Serena recently earned her instrument rating!

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