EAA at Your Local Airport

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Creative Members Making Life Easier for Chapter 1541

November 2019 - Our chapter, EAA Chapter 1541, occasionally has the need to move to different parts of our airport to participate in various airport activities, including supporting the local airport association display days. It was a burden to repeatedly load, move, and unload the chairs, tables, and other large items from pickup trucks to and from each event.

One of our more creative members came up with the idea for this chair and table cart. Using an inexpensive Harbor Freight utility trailer as a starting point, member Rubin Wallin designed and constructed a welded structure that organizes and holds 40 folding chairs, a dozen folded tables, and as many portable canopies as we can stack on top.

The cart uses the trailer tongue to hitch it to any available vehicle, and we easily pull it around the airport to where we need it. When parked in our hangar, the cart is used to store the material, so there is no loading or unloading at the start point.

Another member, Ray McNaught, owns a PIP printing store and graciously donated the metal signs with our chapter logo and information that are mounted on each end of the cart. It is amazing the skills and resources within local chapters. Next time your chapter has a problem to solve, be sure to see what your members can come up with. Their ideas may surprise you!

Next on EAA Chapter 1541's to-do list is to construct a little tag-along trailer to attach to this chair cart that will easily transport our barbecue grill or pancake griddle. Stay tuned!

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