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Chapter Major Achievement Award Winners Announced

August 2019 - At the EAA Chapter Leaders Breakfast on July 27, 10 EAA chapter leaders were recognized for their significant contributions to the promotion of general aviation in their home communities.

The Chapter Newsletter Editor Awards for excellence in creating newsletters and dispersing chapter news to members were given to John Haug II, EAA 1178630, of Warbird Squadron 2 in Oak Harbor, Washington, and Alex Walters, EAA 768791, of EAA Chapter 99 in Vero Beach, Florida.

The Chapter Web Editor Awards are given based on a chapter website's ease of navigation, users' ability to locate contact information, and the sharing of current chapter events and news. Three chapter web editors, Don Bryan, EAA 70066, of Chapter 944 in Chillicothe, Missouri, David Bristol, EAA 61605, of EAA Chapter 96 in Compton, California, and Joe Rhodes, EAA 45209, of Chapter 1298 in Brooksville, Florida, received the award.

Five chapter members were awarded the Chapter Major Achievement Award, which is presented to individuals with long records of outstanding service to their EAA chapters and local aviation communities.

Wayne Brazinski, EAA 1104669, of Chapter 461 in Bolingbrook, Illinois, is the current chapter president and helped lead multiple initiatives within the chapter. The two biggest projects were completing a Zenith 750 build, which was a part of the EAA Give Wings program, and creating a more robust youth program as well as a female aviators chapter extension.

Terry Cusack, EAA 213150, of Chapter 976 in Carrollton, Georgia, fills many roles within his chapter, including vice president, newsletter editor, web editor, and Ray Scholarship coordinator. He also contributes to Facebook page design. Whether it's creating the annual year-in-review presentation, managing monthly potluck dinners, or presenting at monthly meetings, Terry has shown himself willing to pitch in and do what needs to be done.

Judy Sparks, EAA 573975, of Chapter 186 in Manassas, Virginia, consistently applies her boundless energy to every event by volunteering her time and limited resources to do whatever is necessary to achieve success. She does this every year at AirVenture and at every chapter event. Members of Chapter 186 often say they cannot imagine what the chapter would be like without her.

Frank Baldwin, EAA 27844, of Chapter 1387 in Troy, Missouri, was integral to the development of the Troy Airpark, which has served as home for EAA Chapter 1387 since its inception 15 years ago. As an A&P, DAR, TC, and FA, Frank has touched the lives of countless homebuilders by encouraging them to donate to the Young Eagles program in lieu payment for his services.

Karen Kalishek, EAA 800372, of Chapter 651 in Green Bay, Wisconsin, has volunteered as the full-time CFI manager at the EAA Pilot Proficiency Center (PPC) during the week of AirVenture and has also served on the organizing committee with responsibilities for recruiting and training flight instructors in advance of and during AirVenture. Karen has been treasurer of her chapter since 2006 and has been instrumental in the success of numerous fundraising activities and other chapter events. She also led the formation of the chapter's IMC Club.

Congratulations to all the 2019 Chapter Award winners!

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