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Help Celebrate Your Chapter Volunteers — Last Call!

May 2018 - Volunteers have been the heart and soul of EAA since the founding of the organization in 1953. They have played an especially important role in the growth of EAA’s nearly 900 chapters. To help thank those volunteers who make the chapter network one of aviation’s strongest communities, we are seeking your nominations.

On Saturday, July 28, during EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2018, EAA chapter leaders will gather for the annual Chapter Leaders Breakfast, sponsored by Cruiser Aircraft, in the Founders’ Wing of the EAA Aviation Museum. This breakfast not only gives EAA a chance to thank all of the leaders for their contributions to their local chapters, but also gives special recognition to those chapter members who have gone the extra mile for their local aviation community. Without volunteers who go that extra mile, EAA would not be the organization it is today.

Many of these individuals do not seek recognition, as they are putting in the time because they believe in the mission of their local chapter and EAA. They want to see aviation grow through their chapter’s youth programs or share their skills through educational workshops. Their continued support of sharing The Spirit of Aviation deserves recognition, and we should make sure their work does not go unnoticed.

Sharing the stories of these committed volunteers will help inspire peer chapter leaders to make significant contributions in their own aviation communities. Highlighting their accomplishments will also bring a sense of pride to the entire chapter that individual represents, propelling the group to become even more active at its local airport.

To help celebrate the best of EAA’s chapter volunteers, we are asking you to nominate a member who is deserving of a chapter achievement award. The awards are: Chapter Major Achievement, Newsletter Editor, Web Editor, and Young Eagles.

Learn more and nominate a chapter member

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