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Welcome EAA’s New Chapter Manager!

  • Welcome EAA’s Newest Chapter Manager!
    John and his wife Mollee learn rib stitching at an EAA SportAir Workshop.

May 2017 - Please welcome John Egan, longtime EAA member and avid homebuilder, as EAA’s newest chapter manager! John earned a mechanical engineering degree from the University of Wisconsin-Platteville, and has worked extensively in the industry as a project engineer.

John, EAA 336835, is a sport pilot and member of Chapter 444 in Waupaca, Wisconsin. He scratchbuilt a Pietenpol Aircamper that is now ready to cover. EAA AirVenture Oshkosh attendees may have seen the airplane while it was on display in the Homebuilders Hangar at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2015. He also is scratchbuilding a Super Cub knockoff, which has been dubbed the Pirate Cub.

True to his engineering discipline, John enjoys designing and building. He built a rotating pancake grill for Oshkosh EAA Chapter 252’s pancake breakfasts. John created the plans for the grill, and they were published in EAA Sport Aviation magazine. Members can read “A Big, Round Pancake Grill” here!

John regularly rents a RANS S-7 tailwheel airplane out of Waupaca (PCZ) for local flying with his wife Mollee, EAA 786345. They enjoy exploring many of the grass strips that the area has to offer. Whenever traveling, they are known to stop in the local airport and check out the current happenings. Having two adult sons living in the Los Angeles, California, area has afforded John and Mollee the opportunity to frequently visit that part of the country. In addition to flying, John enjoys fly-fishing, and looks forward to combining the two someday.

John was introduced to a host of chapter leaders during the recent Chapter Leadership Academy. “I am very excited to be part of EAA’s staff, and I look forward to getting involved with our chapter members in my new support role,” he said. “I encourage our chapters to explore the many offerings that the staff here in Oshkosh has to assist you in growing your chapter to its full potential.”

Whether you meet John in Oshkosh or communicate with him from your hometown chapter, please welcome him to the EAA family!

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