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Be an Eagle Flight Leader for Your Chapter!

By Brian O’Lena

October 2015 - The primary goal of EAA’s Eagle Flights program is to grow participation in aviation at the chapter level.

In order to achieve this goal, the program aims to:

  • Mentor new pilots and reactivate lapsed pilots.
  • Strengthen EAA’s position as the local access point to aviation.
  • Share knowledge, information, and resources.
  • Build on the camaraderie and sense of belonging that our EAA community is founded upon.

We are asking each EAA chapter to appoint a new position—Eagle Flights Leader—to serve as the chapter’s point person for the Eagle Flights program.

The Eagle Flights leader can also be an Eagle mentor pilot, and he or she may hold other positions within the chapter such as Young Eagles coordinator, membership chairman, or any other officer position.

The Eagle Flights program is designed to be a special one-on-one flight experience with an EAA chapter’s mentor pilot. Unlike the Young Eagles program, Eagle Flights are not conducted in a rally environment.

We envision the Eagle Flights leader as the coordinator between the person who wants a flight and your chapter’s mentor pilots.

Please join us and help those who are dreaming of flight to make it a reality today!

For more information on the Eagle Flights program or to order materials, please visit our website at www.EAA.org/eagleflights.

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