EAA Chapter 1566 Forms in Thailand
July 2015 - Please welcome EAA Chapter 1566 to the EAA chapter family! Based at Eastern Airport in Pattaya, they fly off of a 500-meter-long (approximately 1,650 feet) grass strip at a field elevation of 200 feet. They frequently fly into Khun Tiki’s Bar and Grill and also host bush- and mountain-flying seminars. Eastern Airport is lovingly referred to as “Taildragger Alley” by the local fliers.
“The Bug Club”
Just to keep things interesting, EAA Thailand Chapter 1566 founded an elite secret subdivision called “MaLengMao.” The MaLengMao is the ubiquitous flying termite that blooms in Thailand with the arrival of the rains. To become a member of “The Bug Club” all you have to do is be an aviator in Thailand and eat a “MaLengMao.” Tom Claytor and Jim Matonti were the first members of this secret subdivision.
Below, Chapter 1566 Vice President Jim Matonti demonstrates the correct procedure for holding the MaLengMao by the wings before eating it. You do not have to eat the wings.
As 90 percent of the people of Thailand will tell you, they are delicious. Real aviators eat MaLengMao. To learn more, come and visit EAA Chapter 1566 at Eastern Airport in Thailand.