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Getting Ready for the Change of Seasons

By Bret Steffen, EAA Director of Education, EAA Lifetime 870589

Bret SteffenGetting ready for building season is already under way here in Wisconsin. The gardens are giving us fresh produce, but it will only be a few weeks until the first frost ends the bounty. And winter will be right around the corner. There is a theory that homebuilding is popular here in the frozen north because people needed things to do in the frigid weather. I’m not sure if that is true, but it seems plausible enough.

Chapters are preparing to come inside, too, and though there are some great parties and get-togethers that will happen this fall, it is only a matter of time before much of the country has to shift the things we do at our chapter meetings. How does the season change the flavor of your meetings? Please consider sharing your traditions with us on the chapter section of the EAA Forums!

Remember that EAA has put a lot of effort into producing the Chapter Video Magazine; if you aren’t using it, I suggest you give some thought to doing so. It can be a great supplement to your meetings. If you’re an EAA chapter officer who is not receiving a link to download these videos each month, please e-mail chapters@eaa.org.

Winter can be a great time for our southern chapters to feature speakers from up north who would not mind escaping the cold weather. They have great stories and expertise to share, and the fact that you probably haven’t heard most of their stories makes them even better. E-mail me if you’d like to explore this further.

For those up north, aviation folks who may be too busy during the summer might be available to speak during the winter months, so keep your ears open at the airport and invite folks to come to the chapter meetings. After all, EAA really is all about the people we meet.

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