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General Aviation Congressional Caucus

The General Aviation Caucus provides a vehicle for U.S. congressmen to learn about general aviation and legislative issues affecting the community.

With revenue of more than $150 billion and employment of more than 1.3 million people, general aviation is a crucial part of the nation’s economy and transportation system. It has never been more important to have our legislators educated on the issues affecting GA.

The GA Caucus’ purpose is to bring members of Congress and their staffs together in support of GA by holding regular meetings on issues affecting the industry. Regular briefings will be held on issues such as legislation to reauthorize the FAA, the Large Aircraft Security Program, and aviation security, among others.

Contact your congressmen and urge them to join the GA Caucus.

Current members of the U.S. House of Representatives GA Caucus:

Graves, Sam

(R-MO) Co-Chairman

Larsen, Rick


Veasey, Marc

(D-TX) Co-Chairman

Lance, Leonard


Abraham, Ralph


Lewis, John


Allen, Rick


Lipinski, Dan


Amodei, Mark


LoBiondo, Frank


Ashford, Brad


Loebsack, David


Babin, Brian


Lofgren, Zoe


Barletta, Lou


Long, Billy


Barr, Andy


Loudermilk, Barry


Barton, Joe


Lowenthal, Alan


Benishek, Dan


Lowey, Nita


Bilirakis, Gus


Lucas, Frank


Bishop, Rob


Luetkemeyer, Blane


Bishop, Sanford


Luján, Ben Ray


Black, Diane


Lujan Grisham, Michelle


Blackburn, Marsha


Lummis, Cynthia


Bonamici, Suzanne


Lynch, Stephen


Bost, Mike


Marchant, Kenny


Brady, Kevin


Marino, Tom


Brindentine, Jim


Massie, Thomas


Brooks, Mo


McCaul, Michael


Brooks, Susan


McClintock, Tom


Brown, Corrine


McCollum, Betty


Brownley, Julia


McGovern, Jim


Buchanan, Vern


McHenry, Patrick


Bucshon, Larry


McKinley, David


Burgess, Michael


McMorris Rodgers, Cathy


Bustos, Cheri


McSally, Martha


Byrne, Bradley    


Meadows, Mark


Capps, Lois


Meeks, Gregory


Capuano, Michael


Meehan, Patrick


Cardenas, Tony


Messer, Luke


Carson, André


Miller, Candice


Carter, Buddy


Mullin, Markwayne


Carter, John


Mulvaney, Mick


Cartwright, Matt


Nadler, Jerrold


Chabot, Steve


Napolitano, Grace


Clay, Wm Lacy


Neal, Richard


Cleaver, Emanuel


Neugebauer, Randy


Coffman, Mike


Noem, Kristi


Cohen, Steve


Nolan, Rick


Cole, Tom


Norton, Eleanor Holmes


Collins, Chris


Nunnelee, Alan    


Collins, Doug


Olson, Pete


Comstock, Barbara


Palazzo, Steven


Conaway, Michael


Pascrell, Bill


Connolly, Gerald


Paulsen, Erik


Cook, Paul


Pearce, Steve


Cramer, Kevin


Perlmutter, Ed


Crawford, Rick


Perry, Scott


Crenshaw, Ander


Peterson, Collin


Culberson, John


Pingree, Chellie


Cummings, Elijah


Poe, Ted


Curbelo, Carlos


Poliquin, Bruce


Davis, Rodney


Polis, Jared


DeFazio, Peter


Pompeo, Mike


DelBene, Suzan


Posey, Bill


Denham, Jeff


Price, David


Dent, Charles


Rangel, Charles B


DesJarlais, Scott


Reed, Tom


Diaz-Balart, Mario


Renacci, Jim


Doyle, Michael


Ribble, Reid


Duckworth, Tammy


Rice, Tom


Duffy, Sean


Rigell, Scott


Duncan, Jeff


Roe, Phil


Duncan, John


Rogers, Hal


Edwards, Donna


Rokita, Todd


Esty, Elizabeth


Rooney, Thomas


Farenthold, Blake


Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana


Fincher, Stephen


Ross, Dennis


Fitzpatrick, Mike


Rouzer, David


Fleischmann, Chuck


Ruiz, Raul


Flores, Bill


Russell, Steve


Fortenberry, Jeff


Ryan, Tim


Foster, Bill


Sablan, Gregorio


Foxx, Virginia


Sanchez, Loretta


Frankel, Lois


Scalise, Steve


Franks, Trent


Schakowsky, Jan


Gibbs, Bob


Schiff, Adam


Gohmert, Louie


Schrader, Kurt


Goodlatte, Bob


Scott, Austin


Gosar, Paul


Scott, David


Granger, Kay


Sessions, Pete


Graves, Tom


Sewell, Terri


Green, Gene


Sherman, Brad


Grothman, Glenn


Shimkus, John


Guthrie, Brett


Shuster, Bill


Hahn, Janice


Simpson, Mike


Hanna, Richard


Sinema, Kyrsten


Harris, Andy


Smith, Adam


Hartzler, Vicky


Smith, Adrian


Heck, Joe


Smith, Lamar


Herrera Beutler, Jaime


Stewert, Chris


Hice, Jody


Stivers, Steve


Himes, Jim


Swalwell, Eric


Hinojosa, Rubén


Thompson, Bennie


Honda, Michael


Thompson, Glenn


Hudson, Richard


Thompson, Mike


Huelskamp, Tim


Tiberi, Patrick


Hultgren, Randy


Tipton, Scott


Hunter, Duncan


Titus, Dina


Hurt, Robert


Tonko, Paul


Israel, Steve


Upton, Fred


Issa, Darrell


Valadao, David


Jenkins, Evan


Vargas, Juan    


Jenkins, Lynn


Vela, Filemon


Johnson, Bill


Walberg, Tim


Johnson, Eddie Bernice


Walden, Greg


Johnson, Hank


Walz, Timothy


Johnson, Sam


Weber, Randy


Jones, Walter


Westmoreland, Lynn


Joyce, David


Williams, Roger


Kelly, Robin


Wilson, Joe


Kilmer, Derek


Wittman, Rob


Kind, Ron


Woodall, Rob


King, Peter


Yoder, Kevin


Kinzinger, Adam


Yoho, Ted


Kirkpatrick, Ann


Young, Don


Kline, John


Young, Todd


Langevin, James


Zinke, Ryan


Current members of the U.S. Senate GA Caucus:

Boozman, John

(R-AR) Co-Chairman

Manchin, Joe

(D-WV) Co-Chairman

Blumenthal, Richard


Brown, Sherrod


Burr, Richard


Collins, Susan


Cornyn, John


Crapo, Mike


Fischer, Deb


Franken, Al


Grassley, Chuck


Heitkamp, Heidi


Heller, Dean


Hirono, Mazie


Hoeven, John


Inhofe, James


Isakson, Johnny


Kirk, Mark


Klobuchar, Amy


Menendez, Robert


Merkley, Jeff


Moran, Jerry


Murkowski, Lisa


Risch, Jim


Roberts, Pat


Rounds, Mike


Shaheen, Jeanne


Sullivan, Dan


Tester, Jon


Thune, John


Udall, Tom


Vitter, David


Wicker, Roger


Wyden, Ron


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