Spread Your Wings at AirVenture

Get your tickets to the World's Greatest Aviation Celebration today! Experience Oshkosh the ultimate way by camping under the wing of your aircraft.

Community Outreach Guidelines

EAA designed Community Outreach Guidelines to help coordinate and maximize offerings in the following ways:

  • Provide a more defined approach to responding to requests for support of community events.
  • Develop a fair and easy process to identify, evaluate, and support efforts of the non-profit community.
  • Develop a process that allows for tracking and quantifying impact.

EAA has a staff committee to support these goals and provide community leadership.

Auctions, Raffles, Participation at an In-kind Level

EAA supports auctions, raffles, and other fundraising events sponsored by non-profit organizations based primarily in the Fox Valley region by donating items, experiences, passes, and other tangible items. Selection guidelines include:

  • Applicant must be either a youth serving organization or school with an education focus, a general health/welfare organization, or an organization that provides community service programs.
  • Applicant cannot be a lobbying group, strictly religious organization, or other association with a mission that implies EAA's endorsement or sponsorship of a controversial issue or position.
  • Applicant must not have previously received a donation during EAA's current fiscal year (March 1-February 28).
  • Applicant organization must have support of EAA staff.
  • EAA Community Outreach Committee may request or require appropriate recognition and/or visibility from the requesting event or organization.

EAA will also support other community auctions, raffles, and fundraising events at the discretion/decision of the Community Outreach Committee.

Event Participation at a Financial Level

EAA also has a limited fund to support community organizations seeking cash support. Such requests will be individually reviewed by the Community Outreach Committee.

Facility & Infrastructure Use

EAA will respond to requests for use of both the indoor and outdoor facilities in the following way:

  • "No-fee usages" of the Museum, selected conference rooms, or other select areas of the EAA facility. Requesting organization will be responsible for set-up, clean-up, and other event related costs.
  • "Reduced-fee" use of the Museum, selected conference rooms, or other select areas of the EAA facility. Specific arrangements related to set-up, clean-up, and other event related costs will be determined as part of the negotiation.
  • "No-fee" use of the outdoor grounds. Requesting organization will be responsible for all incurred costs.
  • "Reduced-fee" use of the outdoor grounds. Contract negotiations will detail specific areas and amount of reimbursement.
  • Complimentary use of any EAA assets either on-site or transported to locations outside the EAA campus – decision to be made on a case-by-case basis. A final decision by EAA will include a review of the financial and liability impacts.

Such requests will be reviewed by the Community Outreach Committee, with input as needed from EAA senior management and necessary department heads.

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