Tape for Your Aircraft Project
March 13, 2025 289 Views 03:41EAA Homebuilt Aircraft Council Member and RV-8 builder Mike Dooley shows off various types of tape that are useful when building an aircraft.
EAA Homebuilt Aircraft Council Member and RV-8 builder Mike Dooley shows off various types of tape that are useful when building an aircraft.
EAA Homebuilt Aircraft Council Member and RV-8 builder Mike Dooley demonstrates tips using various tools to retrieve small items dropped in your structures.
EAA Volunteer Technical Counselor Wally Anderson demonstrates using a hand pull rivet tool.
EAA Volunteer Technical Counselor Wally Anderson demonstrates techniques to install washers, nuts and bolts in difficult to reach places.
EAA Volunteer Technical Counselor Wally Anderson demonstrates a tool to help align hinges during installation.
EAA Volunteer Technical Counselor Wally Anderson demonstrates a tool to remove damaged screws.
EAA Volunteer Technical Counselor Wally Anderson demonstrates riveting techniques for special applications where access is limited for conventional tools.
EAA Volunteer Technical Counselor Wally Anderson discusses personal protective safety items for your shop..
EAA Volunteer Technical Counselor Wally Anderson demonstrates techniques to rivet using a C-Frame.
EAA Volunteer Technical Counselor Wally Anderson demonstrates various tools he uses to reach into difficult places to tighten or loosen fasteners.
EAA Volunteer Technical Counselor Wally Anderson demonstrates the Skybolt washer for cowling attachment.
EAA Volunteer Technical Counselor Wally Anderson demonstrates the Perma Grit bits that can be used in a drill or Dremel to machine composite materials.
EAA Volunteer Technical Counselor Wally Anderson demonstrates the multi function oscillating tool for cutting plexiglass and composite materials.
EAA Volunteer Technical Counselor Wally Anderson demonstrates the fourth step of a technique to attach a fiberglass canopy.
EAA Volunteer Technical Counselor Wally Anderson demonstrates the third step of a technique to attach a fiberglass canopy.
EAA Volunteer Technical Counselor Wally Anderson demonstrates the second step of a technique to attach a fiberglass canopy.
EAA Volunteer Technical Counselor Wally Anderson demonstrates the first step of a technique to attach a fiberglass canopy.
EAA Volunteer Technical Counselor Wally Anderson demonstrates a way to remove those kit parts stickers.
EAA Volunteer Technical Counselor Wally Anderson demonstrates a useful shop tip bending a loop in a hinge pin making it easier to install and remove.
EAA Volunteer Technical Counselor Wally Anderson demonstrates a useful shop tip using Scotch Brite pads to prepare aluminum for painting.