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’Tis the Season — Chapter Christmas Parties and Banquets

By David Leiting Jr., Chapter Outreach Specialist

November 2017 - As the end of the year approaches, it’s time for chapters to begin planning their Christmas parties. While planning for these events, here are a few things to keep in mind.

Chapter Awards and Service Pins

In early December, each chapter president will receive a package containing certificates and service pins for each officer the chapter reported to EAA headquarters during the annual renewal process. These positions include president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, Young Eagles coordinator, Eagle Flight leader, newsletter editor, web editor, flight advisor, technical counselor, and IMC Club coordinator. For those chapter leaders who are not officially on file with EAA, your chapter can fill out and print blank certificates. The Chapter Service Award Template can be found here. In addition, a pin for a Chapter MVP is included and can be given out at the chapter’s discretion.

Use these certificates and pins to your advantage, and pass them out during the party/banquet. They provide your chapter a great opportunity to recognize individuals who have volunteered their time for the betterment of the chapter. In addition, this is a great opportunity to thank those volunteers who may work behind the scenes or who don’t have an official title but still greatly contribute to the chapter.

As we noted in the October edition of ChapterGram, recognizing your volunteers is a great way to retain current volunteers and recruit new ones — and this will do just that!

Review the Chapter Insurance Guidelines

Chapters often provide alcohol at their holiday gatherings. However, it’s important to remember that EAA chapters are prohibited from selling alcoholic beverages. This prohibition includes selling alcohol at events, placing a donation jar at the bar area to collect money from attendees, or including alcohol with the purchase of an event ticket.

If a chapter wants to allow the consumption of beer and liquor at its end-of-year party, it can take one or more of the following approaches.

1) Have beer, wine, or liquor available free of charge. It is still up to the chapter to ensure that those consuming alcohol are of legal age.

2) Encourage members of age who wish to enjoy a drink to bring their own beverages.

3) Have a licensed bartender on location to sell drinks. In this case, the chapter is required to be listed as an additionally insured party on the bartender’s certificate of insurance.

4) The chapter is also welcome to hold its party at a local restaurant and allow members to purchase their own drinks from the bar area. In this case, the chapter is not required to take any action to be listed as an additionally insured party.

As always, please submit a request for insurance for all chapter events at this webpage. If in doubt, give us a call at 920-426-4800 and ask for the chapter office. We would be happy to chat with you!

Have a fun holiday season with your chapter! Let those of us in the chapter office be the first to wish you a happy Thanksgiving, merry Christmas, and a happy new year!
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