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EAA Chapter Map Updates

Is your information correct?

February 2017 - EAA’s Find a Chapter webpage has undergone updates in the past month. Previously, there was limited information displayed about your chapter. We have made a few changes to help prospective members get a better idea of what the chapter has to offer and how they can get in touch.

Since the update, the map now displays the chapter president’s name, chapter contact information, meeting day and time, location, website, and programs. Please verify your chapter’s details on our updated map to ensure we are displaying the most accurate information.

To check the chapter map, follow this link. Once on the webpage, you can use the State or Province drop-down box to narrow the map to your region. Zoom in to your chapter and click on the dot where your chapter is located. Once you have clicked on the dot, an information box should appear, and that is where you will find your chapter’s information.

If you have any questions or need to make changes, please e-mail David Leiting at dleiting@eaa.org.

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