
Flight Simulator Training

Rent one of the Redbird LD Advanced Aviation Training Devices (AATD) at EAA’s Pilot Proficiency Center.

Looking to work on your piloting skills, learn new concepts, or practice maneuvers? Are you an instrument-rated pilot looking to maintain instrument currency and sharpen your skills? Bad weather have you grounded? Now you can rent time in one of EAA’s AATDs to work on whatever you need.

EAA’s Redbird LD AATD

With a wrap-around visual system, a realistic flight model, and an accurate avionics suite, the LD is an excellent choice for training. EAA’s AATDs can connect to your electronic flight bag so you can use the apps you would typically use, like Foreflight and CloudAhoy, all geo-referenced, just like in the airplane.

We also have the ability for you to talk to live air traffic control to enhance the realism of your flight and allow you to work on your communication skills at the same time.

Solo Simulation Training

Are you looking to knock some rust off and fly solo? Are you an IFR-rated pilot looking to maintain currency? No problem. Schedule some time in one of the AATDs in EAAs Pilot Proficiency Center, where you can work on whatever you feel. Practice your landings, holds, shoot approaches, or get familiar with flying an aircraft with a glass panel; the choice is yours. When you arrive at the Pilot Proficiency Center, one of EAAs Operations Coordinators will get you set up in the Redbird LD, and off you go.

EAA Instructor Pilots

Thinking you need more work than just flying around in the AATD? No problem, we can assist with that! When you register for some time in one of EAA’s AATDs, you can also choose to have one of the Pilot Proficiency Centers’ professional flight instructors work with you during your session. You can ask them to help you with specific tasks and maneuvers or have them evaluate your overall skills and suggest what areas to focus on. Either way, you will be off and running, sharpening your skills and working your way back to becoming a more proficient pilot.

Your Instructor Pilot

Already have a trusted flight instructor whose teaching style and experience work well for you. Well, bring them along! Work together with your instructor to create a plan of action for your time in the AATD. When you register for an AATD session at EAAs Pilot Proficiency Center, you can select that you will provide your own instructor pilot.

Flight Schools

Bad weather have your students grounded? Want to enhance your curriculum by adding flight simulation to your training program? Bring your students to EAAs Pilot Proficiency Center, rent one of our Redbird LDs, and train your students in an efficient and effective training environment.

Instructor Pilots

Are you a freelance instructor whose students could benefit from training in an AATD, but you don’t have access to one? Well, now you do! Bring your students to the Pilot Proficiency Center and rent one of EAA’s Redbird LDs. Whether your students are working on VFR or IFR-related items, they will benefit from training in the AATD.


Redbird LD Advanced Aviation Training Device $35.00 per hour
Pilot Proficiency Center Flight Instructor $40.00 per hour

How to Schedule

Click on the blue “Reserve A Sim” button below. You will be taken to a registration page where you select the date you want and, if you fly solo, wish to receive instruction from one of the Pilot Proficiency Center instructor pilots or whether you are bringing your instructor with you.

Enter your payment information, and you are all set. You will receive a confirmation email with the details of your session. Come to the Pilot Proficiency Center at your designated date and time, and one of the center’s Operations Coordinators will get you started.

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