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SOLIDWORKS Education Premium Now Free for EAA Members

August 15, 2019 - At EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2016, EAA CEO and Chairman of the Board Jack J. Pelton with Suchit Jain of DS SolidWorks and David Kasinskas of GSC announced that EAA members would have free access to the SOLIDWORKS Student Design Kit — EAA Maker Edition.

When asked about additional functionality, specifically the Electrical Module, Suchit Jain said that if EAA members could use the added functionality, DS SolidWorks would add it.

Since that announcement, EAA has worked with DS SolidWorks to add additional benefits including free access to certification exams, discounts on 3D printers and training, and aviation-specific tutorials through the EAA SOLIDWORKS University (

To date, more than 8,300 EAA members have downloaded SOLIDWORKS through this program, making it the fastest-growing member benefit. In fact, it continues to grow by more than 200 member downloads per month.

In the weeks leading up to EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2019, Marie Planchard of DS SolidWorks notified EAA that its members would now have access to a version of SOLIDWORKS that had previously only been made available to engineering schools — SOLIDWORKS Education Premium.

The new version extends the functionality to include all modules requested by EAA members including but not limited to:

  1. Simulation Flow and Simulation Premium
  2. Electrical Professional Schematic and Electrical 3D
  3. Visualize Professional
  4. PCB EDU Edition

View the full version comparison: SOLIDWORKS Product Matrix

Almost as significant as this upgrade is upgraded access to the MySolidWorks Network. Previously, members were only offered guest access, which comes with about 320 free online videos and access to the MySolidWorks Manufacturing Network, where members could send off designs to obtain quotes on design fabrication. Now, members have access to a student account simply by entering a serial number provided by EAA under your account registration page. Here are some of the new benefits:

  1. 1,000-plus product tutorial videos
  2. Certification test prep online courses

To obtain download instructions and more information, visit the EAA SOLIDWORKS Resource Center:

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