Isn't it Time?

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Flight Training Scholarships

Dreaming of becoming a pilot or getting an additional rating? EAA can help your aviation dreams become a reality. EAA’s scholarships are supported by dozens of donors, benefactors, and others who “pass it forward” by endowing these programs.

Closed Recipients will be notified May 1st. No late submissions will be accepted.

With the help of these donors, EAA awards more than $135,000 each year to students to pursue flight training. This year, these awards helped 31 students pursue their dreams of flight. See the 2024 Scholarship Winners.

One application is used for ALL scholarships; scholarship applicants will be considered for all scholarships for which they qualify. All applications are reviewed against the criteria for the individual scholarships and then awarded to those who show the greatest potential to be actively engaged in aviation.


Seyram Agudu
Florence “Coffy” Gregory Scholarship


Sara Alejo
Eagles Aerobatic Scholarship


Nailah Blake
Richard R. Harper Memorial Scholarship


Jackson Boehm
Harrison Ford Scholarship, EAA Flight Training Scholarship


Alexander Buchanan
Harrison Ford Scholarship


Matthew Capio
EAA Flight Training Scholarship


Oliver Carson
Jason Kurt Lohr Scholarship


Kiersten Crespell
Florence “Coffy” Gregory Scholarship


Tristan da Cunha
EAA Flight Training Scholarship


Isabella Downton
EAA Flight Training Scholarship


Carson Eggert
EAA Flight Training Scholarship


Victoria Essmann
Friends of Pete Bunce Flight Training Scholarship


Lucian Kasperek
Noah Favaregh Flight Training Scholarship, EAA Flight Training Scholarship


Jett Kramer
Harrison Ford Scholarship, EAA Flight Training Scholarship


Sergio Lopez
Matthew Platt Memorial Scholarship


Joshua Mink
Stephen “Ben” Haas Scholarship


Ava Morin
Tinker Murdock Family Scholarship


Amanda Neumann
EAA Flight Training Scholarship


Shanley Olson
Stephen “Ben” Haas Scholarship


Michael Ortiz
Elgin Wells Jr. Starjammer CFI Scholarship, EAA Flight Training Scholarship


Christian A. Pride
Friends of Pete Bunce Flight Training Scholarship


Zena Race
WomenSoar Scholarship


Tomaz Remec
Tex Edwards Scholarship


Zachary Robertaccio
Joey Ermel “Do Your Impeccable Best” Tailwheel Scholarship


Grace Swartz
PenFed Credit Union Scholarship


Olivia Tate
EAA Flight Training Scholarship


Noah Ketchum
Chapter 439 "Vliegend" Scholarship


Reagan Riley
Air Academy Alumni Scholarship

Application Considerations:

  • We look for well-rounded applicants, who have a strong passion for aviation and have participated in aviation and nonaviation clubs, organizations, and extracurricular activities.
  • Volunteering for local organizations, both aviation and nonaviation related, will highlight your application to the selection committee.
  • While not required, we give preference to applicants who are an EAA member or a member of their local EAA chapter.
  • We require a minimum 2.5 GPA required to apply. Some individual scholarships have their own GPA requirement that may be higher.
  • To apply, you must be a citizen or resident of the United States or Canada, or be eligible to work or study in the United States or Canada, such as through a visa.

What does a scholarship cover?

Flight training scholarships may be used to cover costs at any flight training school in the United States and Canada that is not a university program.

Post-secondary scholarships may be used to cover costs for collegiate level programs in the United States including, but not limited to: aerospace or aeronautical engineering, aviation business administration, air traffic control, aviation maintenance, professional flight, or any aviation-related STEM field.

Do I have to be an EAA member to apply?

You do not need to be a current EAA member to apply for a scholarship, but EAA members and active EAA chapter members are prioritized during the selection process.

Do I have to currently be enrolled in a program to apply?

For flight training scholarships, if you are not currently in a program, we urge you to contact the flight training school as soon as possible. Scholarship funds must be used by May 1 following the year of awarding. This means you must complete the certification or rating you are pursuing before this date.

We award post-secondary scholarships to both current and incoming students. Scholarship funds must be used by May 1 following the year of awarding, meaning you must be enrolled at your chosen educational institution before that date.

What are the age requirements to apply for a flight training scholarship?

You must be at least 16 years old to apply for a flight training or post-secondary scholarship.

What are the eligibility criteria to be awarded a scholarship?

Selection criteria varies based on individual scholarships; please use the links above to read about all our individual scholarships.

Can international students apply?

International students may apply but need to be attending or plan to attend a program in the United States or Canada. Proof of eligibility to study in the United States will be required.

When can I apply for a flight training scholarship?

Applications open November 1 every year and close March 1.

Are you strict about the application deadline?

Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted. No exceptions will be made for missing the final application deadline.

Does the application require a recommendation?

On your application, you will be asked to enter the name of one non-relative character reference. Once you submit your application, your reference will be sent a link to complete the online recommendation. Please ask your reference to complete the recommendation before the application deadline. Applications will be considered late and will not be accepted if the recommendation is not complete by the deadline.

Does the application require a copy of my transcripts?

For post-secondary scholarships, you will be asked to upload the most recent copy of your transcripts. The transcript should include the name of the school, all the courses you have taken, and the grade you earned in each course. It should also include your cumulative, unweighted grade point average (GPA). Unofficial transcripts are acceptable.

What GPA should I use?

Your GPA should be unweighted using a 4.00 scale.

Will I be notified when my application was received?

You will receive an automatic email notification when your application has been submitted.

When will I be notified if I am selected for a scholarship?

All winners and non-winners will receive an email sent to the email address listed on your application shortly after May 1st. Please list an email address that you check often! If you have not received an email, please check your spam folder.

What are the next steps if I am awarded a scholarship?

If you win a scholarship, you will be sent an email with documents for completion. Once EAA has received these, the disbursement process will begin.

EAA will send a check directly to the flight school or post-secondary institution.*

For flight training scholarships, the first installment will be 40% of the total amount awarded. After certain benchmarks, the next 40% will be dispersed. Once you have completed the certification or rating you are pursuing, the remaining 20% will be awarded.

*Please note, you have one year from the date of your award to use the funds of an EAA scholarship if the scholarship is non-renewable. If not all money is used during this designated year, the money will revert back to the EAA Scholarship Fund.

Additional questions should be directed to

Available Scholarships

  • Air Academy Alumni Scholarship

    • Supports initial flight training toward reaching solo flight or private pilot certificate
    • To be considered, recipient will have attended the EAA’s Air Academy either as a camper or staff member, and not yet received their private pilot certificate

  • Friends of Pete Bunce Flight Training Scholarship

    Supports candidates seeking to complete a private pilot certificate or additional rating. Preference given to current and prior Wisconsin residents and those with financial need

    • Adapt to Fly Scholarship

      Created to help those with disabilities explore the world of aviation

      Awarded to a person with a disability as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and that meets the qualifications for a Class 3 Medical or Sport Pilot Certificate, which include, but are not limited to, being at least 17 years of age, a U.S. citizen with a valid driver’s license, and able to operate the controls of a training aircraft

    • Chapter 439 Vliegend Scholarship

      Supports a student from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan or from Northeast Wisconsin to pursue flight training. An ideal candidate would be between the ages of 16-22 if pursuing a private pilot certificate, or if pursuing an additional rating, under the age of 35.

    • Eagles Aerobatic Fund

      Eagles Aerobatic Fund: Supports a Young Eagle to pursue flight training. Can be used for any type of flight training including but not limited to aerobatics instruction.

    • Tex Edwards Scholarship

      • Wilson “Tex” Edwards was an avid aviator, who at 14 flew nine hours nonstop across the Atlantic Ocean. He went on to earn his private pilot certificate and ratings in five different airplanes on his 17th birthday. He was a farmer and rancher, owning Flying “E” Spraying Service with his father. He died on August 26, 2013.

    • Joey Ermel "Do Your Impeccable Best" Tailwheel Endorsement Scholarship

      • Supports an individual to receive their tailwheel endorsement. Preference given to prior or current Young Eagles or Young Eagles pilots, applicants who actively volunteer with an EAA chapter, and hav 50-plus total hours.
      • Joseph was a Ray scholar, an Air Academy alumni, and an active volunteer with his chapter and at AirVenture. He became a Young Eagle as soon as he turned 8 and soloed on his 16th birthday, earning his private pilot certificate a year later with the help of an EAA Ray Aviation Scholarship. He immediately started giving back by sharing the gift of flight with other youths, being the first Ray scholar to give Young Eagles flights. Joey had a deep passion for flying a classic tailwheel; it is the intent of the family that the recipient has an appreciation for classic tailwheel flight and will encourage others to give back to their EAA chapters and the aviation community as well.

    • Harrison Ford Scholarship

      Supports a Young Eagle in their dreams of flight or another career in aviation, preference given to those with financial need. Can support EAA Air Academy tuition, flight training support, or any aviation-related degree or technical program

    • Alex Foss Memorial Scholarship

      • The Alex Foss Memorial Scholarship will offer flight training scholarships to college students or high school students entering college with a degree in professional flight or commercial aviation. Applicants must be employed in a job or paid internship, or they must be using student loans.
      • The applicants must be first-generation aviators who, for purposes of the scholarship, are individuals who do not have a parent or legal guardian who is a certificated pilot.

    • Jim and Marge Gorman Scholarship Fund

      • The Jim and Marge Gorman Scholarship Fund supports students in the pursuit of an FAA pilot certificate, aircraft ratings, or endorsements. This scholarship is only available to U.S. citizens.

    • Richard R. Harper Memorial Scholarship

      • Two scholarships available; one to a Young Eagle and one for an Eagle Flight scholarship, with demonstrated financial need and a GPA of 3.8 or greater.
      • Richard R. Harper proudly served his country in the U.S. Army and later had a long career as a pilot for United Parcel Service (UPS). He worked hard to establish his career as a pilot, loved his aviation career, and was excited to be able to mentor and encourage upcoming pilots to pursue their dreams. He was a devoted family man, a kindhearted man with a passion for life, and loved to help anyone in need.

    • Tinker Murdock Family Fund

      Supports flight training for a Young Eagle or Next Step applicant seeking to further aviation training by completing a private pilot certificate

      Internship also available for a college student pursuing a degree in the aviation field

    • PenFed Credit Union Scholarship

      Supports students who have a 3.0 or better GPA, as well as significant extracurricular activities, with a preference given to aviation activities. Additional preference will be provided to applicants that have a military background or are part of a military family.

    • Matthew Platt Memorial Scholarship

      • Supports a young student (aged 25 or under) to pursue a private pilot certificate.
      • Lt. Col Matt Platt graduated from the U.S. Air Force Academy in 2003, launching a 16-year career in the Air Force as a talented officer and aviator. He specialized in tactics and amassed six Air Medals for his deployments in support of worldwide combat operations. He was selected to fly with the Special Operations Command on national security missions, and he was chosen to build and command a new Special Operations Squadron. He died in 2019 while pursuing his passion for aviation. Matt and his wife, Lt. Col Abigail Platt, are both EAA Lifetime members.

    • WASP Endowment Fund

      Provides funding for flight training not associated with EAA’s Aviation Foundation, preference given to Young Eagles

      Also supports an internship for EAA’s Air Academy summer programs

    • Elgin Wells, Jr. Starjammer CFI Scholarship

      • Supports a student in pursuit of a CFI, with the intent of training students as a long-term CFI.
      • Elgin Wells lived life to the fullest as an aerobatic pilot, jazz musician, and instructor in flight and music. He shared his joy for flying with anyone who would listen, focusing on helping students not only become competent pilots, but to experience the freedom and joy of flight. He built and designed the unique Starjammer airplane; he and the Starjammer flew for the last time preparing for an air show performance.

    • WomenSoar Scholarship

      • Supports a woman pursuing a sport or private pilot certificate, or additional ratings and certificates.
      • The ideal candidate is determined and focused, clearly demonstrates passion and enthusiasm for aviation, and shares The Spirit of Aviation with those around her by participating in aviation community activities and events. Applicants must be at least 17 years old and United States citizens.

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